In a previous article, we mentioned that it was possible to uncrop photographs and retrieve sensitive data from them if you used the Snipping Tool program that included with Windows 11. This vulnerability had not yet been addressed. However, all of that is behind us now because Microsoft has made available a patch to address the issue.
Microsoft has resolved this issue by releasing a new version of the Snipping Tool for Windows 11 and a new version of Snip & Sketch on Windows 10. Both of these updated versions are available now. The vulnerability known as Acropalypse, which is now being tracked as CVE-2023-28303, was categorized as a “Low” priority problem by Microsoft, which is a decision that may be contested by a number of parties, including us.
Even though it might not allow for remote code execution like some other vulnerabilities that Microsoft has recently patched, it can still cause problems because it enables malicious people to recover sensitive data from cropped screenshots. This data could include credit card numbers, bank information, private messages, or anything else that might be on your screen when you take a screenshot. Microsoft has recently patched a number of vulnerabilities that allow for remote code execution.
We are fortunate that a remedy is now being implemented. Simply go to the Microsoft Store, then select Library > Get Updates from the menu on the left to download the update. Microsoft was observed doing tests of this repair on the recently introduced Windows Insider Canary branch, and the company is currently in the process of making it available to all users.
Be sure to get this update as soon as possible so that you can continue to crop and save photographs in any way that your heart desires.
Source: Bleeping Computer
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