Jo Yoon-hee, “Lee Dong-gun? I don’t like him anymore, so I got divorced”

The July 30th episode of the TV Chosun entertainment show “Now Alone”showcased the daily routine of Jo Yoon-hee and her daughter Roa.

In this particular episode, Jo inquired her elementary school daughter about her activities during break time. To her surprise, her daughter replied, “I am usually by myself during break time.”Roa further revealed, “I have no playmates during break time. Even if I ask them to join me, my friends refuse to play with me.”

Cho Yoon-hee Now Alone

Upon Jo Yoon-hee’s inquiry, Roa explained that during break time, the children would sit in the corner and engage in activities such as touching and playing, preparing for the next class, and playing with Roa’s hands.

During the show, Jo Yoon-hee revealed, “Growing up with my sister, I never felt lonely even though I didn’t have many friends. However, I worry for Roa because she doesn’t have any siblings and friends are crucial for her during break time.”

Jo’s child revealed, “I was afraid to tell you because I thought it would upset you,”in response to Jo expressing her disappointment. This only added to Jo’s heartache.

A few days later, Jo Yoon-hee made the decision to organize a friendship party for Roa.

Cho Yoon-hee Now Alone

At the party, Roa’s friends inquired about her plans for tomorrow. Jo was asked by them, “What is Roa doing tomorrow?”to which she responded, “She is meeting her dad.”One of the friends then asked, “Isn’t her dad coming home today?”Jo Yoon-hee replied honestly, “Roa and her dad live separately,”and further explained, “I broke up with Roa’s dad, so we don’t live together anymore.”When the friend asked, “Why did you break up?”Jo honestly confessed, “We used to fight a lot and I no longer want to be in that kind of relationship.”

Jo explained, “I always make sure to be honest with Roa because I don’t want her to feel like something is wrong. I often remind her that families come in all shapes and sizes – some live with both parents, some live with one, and some live with grandparents. I also tell her that she gets to see her dad on the weekends. I think she would be confused if I didn’t mention it. It’s not that Roa doesn’t have a dad, and if anyone asks, I will always be truthful.”Jo Yoon-hee admitted, “I may have said it without fully considering Roa’s feelings.”

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