Joey Swoll Reports Jeff Nippard Files Charges Against Mike Van Wyck Following Viral Assault Incident

Joey Swoll Reports Jeff Nippard Files Charges Against Mike Van Wyck Following Viral Assault Incident

Renowned bodybuilder Joey Swoll has come forward with alarming news regarding fitness influencer Mike Van Wyck. Allegations have surfaced stating that Van Wyck surrendered to law enforcement following an on-camera assault involving fellow athlete Jeff Nippard.

On October 21, a shocking video circulated on social media revealing Van Wyck pushing Nippard to the ground by his throat, putting him dangerously close to a weight rack.

While the clip ended shortly thereafter, Nippard later accused Mike of “jabbing [him] in the throat a second time” and subsequently “pushing [his cameraman] against a cable machine.”

As a direct consequence of the incident, Van Wyck has been prohibited from entering Pure Muscle + Fitness in Burlington, Ontario, where the altercation occurred. In the wake of this event, various fitness influencers have publicly condemned his behavior towards Nippard.

Interestingly, Joey Swoll, one of the most prominent figures in the bodybuilding community, initially refrained from posting about the incident. As fans encouraged him to provide his perspective, he finally shared an important update on October 22.

Swoll revealed that Nippard has officially filed assault charges against Van Wyck, who purportedly turned himself into the police.

“Mike, the individual who assaulted Jeff, has been expelled from Pure Muscle Gym and surrendered last night after Jeff pressed charges,” he tweeted.

“It is NEVER acceptable to physically harm someone the way Mike did to Jeff, whether in a gym or anywhere else. This culture of violence within the fitness community must END. Regardless of personal views, we are all part of ONE community—a brotherhood/sisterhood—and we must uphold the principle of mutual respect with zero tolerance for aggression.”

Nippard has undergone a CT scan, confirming his physical well-being, though he admits the emotional fallout from this widely shared incident with Van Wyck has left him unsettled.

“I truly appreciate the overwhelming support from the community and fellow gym-goers,” he expressed in an Instagram message. “It’s genuinely making this ordeal much more manageable for me. Thank you all immensely.”

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Swoll clarified that he waited to make his public statement after ensuring Nippard was okay, discussing the matter with him via a lengthy FaceTime call that morning.

As of now, Van Wyck has not made any public comments, although he has updated his Instagram stories to show messages of encouragement he received from fans and peers in the days following the incident.


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