Jung Yong Hwa frequently talked about “happiness” during his Macau concert and encouraged fans to face difficulties bravely with his songs

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After holding a fan meeting in Macau in May, CNBLUE’s leader Jung Yong Hwa returned to Macau five months later and hosted Jung Yong Hwa’s first solo concert “2023 JUNG YONG HWA LIVE IN MACAU ‘Your City’”, the concert was successfully held at the Studio City Arena in Macau last Saturday, and this is the first performance with the theme of ‘Your City’.

Jung Yong Hwa kicked off the concert with “SEASON OF LOVE”and “Small Talk”from his newly released second mini album “YOUR CITY”. After singing “Password”, he greeted the fans in Mandarin and Cantonese, and even said He misses everyone very much. He also said that he had filmed a movie in Studio City, and when he was preparing for the performance in the lounge, it brought back memories of the filming that day. Afterwards, he introduced the concept of this concert and said: “Welcome to my city!”After inviting everyone to come to his city, he introduced a song “Energy”that he had not performed on tour for a long time.

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After singing several songs such as “Checkmate”and “Just Please”, he praised the fans for being so enthusiastic and making him sweat a lot. He said that in addition to singing new songs, he would also sing some old songs, and he would also be able to sing with the fans. The fans sang together and the atmosphere was super warm.

In the second part, after Yonghwa sang his own compositions “note to self”, “Cruel Memories”and “Last Leaf”, he interacted with the fans again. When he heard the male fans shouting “Oppa”, he smiled Yan was startled. He also used “note to self”to encourage everyone to love themselves and not to shrink back but to move forward bravely even when encountering difficulties.

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Yonghwa said the most during the whole concert, “I’m very happy!”. When he made his debut for the first time, he told the fans that he would regain the same mentality as when he debuted and face everything, and he would become Everyone’s pride will become better and better people. He also promised that everyone will become a better and more handsome artist, which moved the fans very much.

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At the end of the concert, he thanked the fans for making him feel happy. When he heard everyone loudly encouraging and motivating him, Yonghwa even said that he would work hard to reach everyone. He also revealed his work plan. He will prepare a new album while touring, as well as prepare for a CNBLUE concert. He even asked everyone if they thought, “Jung Yong Hwa, you’re here again!”which caused a lot of fans to cheer. When Yong Hwa finished taking photos with the fans, he took out his mobile phone to take photos of the fans, interacted with the fans, and showed the fans his photos on the spot. All the fans in the audience shouted to send the photos to everyone.

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When Yonghwa finished singing the “last”song “Fireworks”, his fans refused to leave and shouted “Ange”. He ended up singing “Can’t Stop”and “You’re”by CNBLUE for the second time. Songs such as “So Fine”and his “Your City”brought the concert to a perfect end.

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