Kick Streamer N3on Lashes Out at JiDion Over View Botting Claims

During a phone call, Kick streamer N3on angrily responded to accusations from JiDion that he was using view botting on his own channel.

Ever since the emergence of Twitch, there has been an increase in the popularity of websites that promise to boost your channel’s viewership in exchange for a predetermined sum of money.

On June 20, 2024, during a phone call with JiDion, Kick streamer N3on was accused of view botting on his channel by the YouTuber. This accusation led to N3on lashing out.

“During the phone call, JiDion stated, “It is clear that your stream is being botted.”However, he also added that he couldn’t confirm that it was you doing it. If you deny involvement, then I will accept that, but it is without a doubt being botted 1000%.”

N3on promptly replied to JiDion’s accusations, stating: “I swear on the Quran, I do not use bots.”However, his statement was met with skepticism and he reacted angrily.

“N3on hung up the phone, exclaiming, “Seriously? You did the same thing on YouTube for years, and now you’re trying to play the holy card? But we all know you got bored and missed the fame, so now you’re back to doing the same old thing.”

Despite the confrontation with JiDion, N3on quickly moved on and continued his IRL stream for several more hours.

N3on has had previous confrontations with other content creators. In March, he publicly called out MoistCr1TiKal, expressing his dislike and desire to fight the popular YouTube star.

In April, Moist publicly criticized the Kick platform, accusing them of hosting “illegal content”after N3on was banned for his involvement in a hit-and-run incident on stream with Squeez Benz, a street racer from the NYPD.

Adin Ross, Kick star, also took notice of N3on’s dangerous driving stream. He cautioned that lives would be lost if Kick did not take action against them.

“Adin expressed concern that a certain group of individuals, specifically youth, may find this behavior appealing. This could potentially lead to an increase in reckless behavior and consequently result in more accidents. Adin hopes that no fatalities or injuries occur as a result of this trend.”

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