Kim Hera IG posted a long article to refute and said that “I was also hurt”, and then substantially deleted the content, and was exposed to sexual harassment of fellow actors

(Cover image source: TVDaily, IG@herare0318)

Jin Hela, a well-known actor who has performed in “Dark Glory”and “Exorcism Noodle House 2: Full Strike Back”, was reported by “Dispatch”(D Agency) yesterday (6th) that she was a member of a bad boy group in middle school and once instigated People buy cigarettes and steal other people’s money for their own entertainment.

(Source: TVDaily)

When many media reported on the incident, they added that they wanted to get an explanation from Jin Hera and her agency but failed. Jin Hera only spoke on his personal IG at night, but the content was once greatly deleted.

X (Twitter) A netizen kept Kim Hera’s original post. In the content, she called Agency D a “certain media.” First, I apologize for the media’s exclusive report. caused more harm, but “because there were many speculative reports that made everyone curious, so I wrote this article first”, and then explained that he was not a child who listened to his parents and teachers very much, “but he was not as malicious as in the reports, Persistent, systematic bullying of the weak”.

Jin Hera went on to say that she received a contact from D agency to meet with reporters, and “expressed her position honestly”. She thought that her 15-year-old memory was incomplete, but she tried hard to recall everything and admitted that she was “Big A member of the “Shang Chi”group denied that he had any bad behavior, and revealed that he contacted the whistleblower because of the reporter’s connection. The two resolved the misunderstanding, and the whistleblower also explained to the reporter that the content of the whistleblower was not correct.

Her disapproval and disappointment with D Agency’s reports can be seen in Jin Hera’s various narratives. In the end, she said: “From the age of 15 to today, 20 years later, I always admit my mistakes and try not to make mistakes repeatedly. Although I have many shortcomings, But at least I didn’t cause malicious harm to others. Once again, I apologize to those who were hurt at this moment because of me. And at some moments that I can’t remember, I was also hurt, so I sincerely apologize to everyone.”

Jin Hela obviously had different opinions with D Agency, so many netizens stood on the neutral side, thinking that there must be definite evidence to make a conclusion. However, what is confusing is that Jin Hera seems to have deleted the long article and republished it. At present, there are only a few lines left: “I am sorry to trouble everyone today. It is like an appeal with my heart. I am honest and frank about everything. Face it. I apologize again to those who supported me and trusted me, and sincerely apologize to those who have been hurt because of me at this moment. I know that many people will believe me, so I will move forward honestly, so please pay attention 」

In addition, Jin Hela was exposed to another incident in the evening, which was “sexual harassment of a colleague actress”. ‎A netizen on theqoo forum said that actor “A”often communicates with fans through IG’s limited-time dynamic question and answer box and live broadcast. A is obviously unmarried and has no public relationship, but he often sees people mentioning “pregnancy”in the comments, asking A “When did you get pregnant?””, “Is it expected to be pregnant in 2024?”, one of the fans reported those anonymous questions only to find out that the other party was the one he followed, that is, Jin Hera and another actor Li Yuzhen. The netizen said: “When reporting, If the target of the report is someone on the tracking list, the account number will be displayed, it seems that Jin Hera and Li Yuzhen don’t know about it^^.”

(Source: screenshot of theqoo forum)
(Source: screenshot of theqoo forum)
(Source: screenshot of theqoo forum)

▼Li Yuzhen

The netizen who broke the news said that the fans of Actor A knew about it, and condemned Jin Hera and Li Yuzhen for not talking like that even if they had a deep friendship with others, which constituted sexual harassment. Kim Hera’s fear of being involved in sexual harassment is being fermented on

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