Kim Sejeong returns as a singer and sings for two consecutive days! Promise to conquer fans again with her singing ~ Reproduce the “Love, Maybe” OST of “Dating in the Society”!

(Cover image source: ON INN ASIA)

Kim Se-jeong, who has dual identities as both a theater actor and a singer, held a two-day concert “The Gate”at Xinzhuang Zepp on October 14th and 15th. It also symbolizes the hope that everyone entering this venue will be equivalent to entering another world that co-exists with Kim Se-jeong. Music world.

(Photo source: ON INN ASIA)

At the beginning, Jin Shizheng made a grand appearance from behind the door. A huge whale was projected on the background, giving it a mysterious feeling of the underwater world. Jin Sejeong was very surprised and happy when she saw all the fans wearing pictures of her pet dog “Dajiang”on their heads. She also asked fans to leave a copy for her. He also mentioned that even though he saw support banners placed on the seats before the show started, he resisted not reading the content! Save the surprises coming for fans.

(Photo source: ON INN ASIA)

Jin Shizheng conducted a survey directly on the stage, first asking friends who knew her from drama performances to raise their hands, and then asking friends who had liked her since she was a singer to raise their hands. She found that the ratio of the number of people was actually five. Five waves, so she shouted to drama fans: “Through today’s concert, I will let everyone know that I am singer Kim Se Jung~”hoping to show her outstanding singing ability.

(Photo source: ON INN ASIA)

Before singing a lyrical song, Jin Shizheng also talked about his favorite Taiwanese movies. Everyone is familiar with “Listen and Talk”, “My Girlhood”, “The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years”and “The Secret That Cannot Be Telled”. She didn’t miss anything. She also said that she really likes movies that depict first love, innocence and hazyness. She is even more curious about whether Taiwanese people fall in love this way? She expressed her yearning for pure love, but then she also laughed at herself, saying that it was impossible for her to fall in love like in Korean dramas.

(Photo source: ON INN ASIA)

Kim Se Jung sang for everyone the OST suite from the TV series she starred in, especially when she sang “Love, Maybe”from “Dating in the Society”, when a clip from the TV series appeared on the rear screen, the sweet scene between Archaeopteryx Ahn Hyo Seop and Kim Se Jung, causing the fans in the audience to scream immediately, and Jin Shizheng also revealed her good friendship with her brother, saying that when her brother saw her performing love scenes, she would always send pictures with a slightly embarrassed expression, and she herself also said that if her brother If you talk about love like in a Korean drama, she will find it too disgusting and can’t stand it!

(Photo source: ON INN ASIA)

After the encore, Kim Se Jung changed her costume and went on stage again. Fans greeted her with even louder screams and cheers, and sang “Sky Line”for everyone. She even asked everyone more intimately what song they wanted to hear. As long as she remembered the lyrics, Jin Sejeong sang acapella for everyone, such as “Baby I Love You”and other songs she had covered. Fans even requested songs from the musical, which surprised Kim Sejeong. Chinese songs “Love that Never Lost Connection”and “There’s a Kind of Sadness”were also prepared. Her impromptu a cappella singing also showed off her good singing voice, which was a feast for the ears of fans.

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