League of Legends Summer Split 2023: Top 5 Jungle Picks/Bans

League of Legends is an ever-evolving game., and with the Summer Split 2023 currently underway, a meta has already been set for players to take into consideration. While the live servers are running on patch 13.12, all of the competitions run on a set patch (Path 13.11) to maintain competitive integrity and continuity.

In League of Legends, one of the important roles of a Jungler is to earn gold and gain experience by killing neutral monsters. They provide vision for the Jungle, enabling teammates to push lanes and engage or disengage when there are team fights. Junglers also secure objectives such as the blue/red buff, Dragon, Rift Herald, and Baron, so their team gets an advantage.

Here are the top five Jungle champion Picks/Bans for League of Legends Summer Split 2023.

Wukong and four other champions with the highest Pick/Ban rate for the Jungle role in League of Legends Summer Split 2023

5) Vi

Vi, fearsome and fearless, is always looking for a fight (Image via Riot Games)
Vi, fearsome and fearless, is always looking for a fight (Image via Riot Games)

Vi, who received mainstream attention after the series Arcane, is well-loved due to her competitive utility and simplicity of use. Her skills mostly revolve around her gauntlets, and she can be built either as a tank or as a sustained damage dealer. Vi is still viable despite having been adjusted during Patch 13.7, with her Q, Vault Breaker, having reduced attack damage.

Her passive Blast Shield, when fully charged, grants her a huge shield as soon as she hits an enemy. Her skill Vault Breaker and her ultimate Cease and Desist are always used in tandem. You can use Vault Breaker to close the gap between her enemies, then follow up with Cease and Desist to knock the target up and slam it back to the ground.

4) Maokai

Maokai, a big treant who fights the unusual horrors of the Shadow Isles (Image via Riot Games)
Maokai, a big treant who fights the unusual horrors of the Shadow Isles (Image via Riot Games)

Maokai from League of Legends has good utility as a Jungler who can initiate a team fight. His Sapling Toss skill throws a sentient sapling that chases an enemy, which means he can place them in blindspots to scout for enemies before they arrive.

He also has an innate healing skill, as his passive Sap Magic allows him to heal from his basic attacks. His Twisted Advance skill is a gap closer, allowing him to dash to an enemy and root them. He remains untargetable for the duration of the dash.

His ultimate Nature’s Grasp summons a wave of vines that move forward and root and damage any enemies, allowing his team to take down the opponents before they run.

3) Viego

Viego is extremely passionate but arrogant (Image via Riot Games)
Viego is extremely passionate but arrogant (Image via Riot Games)

League of Legends’ Viego is one of the most interesting characters in this list. His abilities are versatile, and his passive Sovereign’s Domination allows him to possess an enemy killed by him or his team. When Viego possesses an enemy, he heals for a portion of his max health and replicates the champion. This means he plays that character for a few seconds while using that champion’s items and abilities, apart from their ultimate.

His ultimate, Heartbreaker, has a quick cooldown time and can be used to kill enemies or escape a bad situation. It allows him to teleport to and damage the enemy with the lowest health within a radius.

2) Sejuani

Sejuani, heartless Iceborne war mother of the Winter's Claw (Image via Riot Games)
Sejuani, heartless Iceborne war mother of the Winter’s Claw (Image via Riot Games)

Sejuani is one of the easiest League of Legends champions to use in this list and can be paired with any midlaner. Her passive Fury of the North has two parts. The first one is defensive and allows her to block some damage from the first hit she receives, making her immune for some time. The second part allows her to deal more damage to stunned enemies.

Her ultimate Glacial Prison allows her to stun the first enemy hit and create a freezing field by throwing her bola. This, along with her innate tankiness, makes her an optimal initiator and a viable tank for the team.

1) Wukong

Wukong, a vastayan trickster who utilizes his power, agility, and intelligence to confuse his enemy (Image via Riot Games)
Wukong, a vastayan trickster who utilizes his power, agility, and intelligence to confuse his enemy (Image via Riot Games)

Despite the recent changes in patch 13.7 that reduced the attack speed on Wukong’s E, Nimbus Strike, and other changes in his kit, we still see players use him for the League of Legends Summer Split.

Wukong is a champion that thrives on deception. His abilities allow him to go in and out of a fight by using his clone and dashing around. Wukong’s passive Stone Skin ensures that he gains armor and health regeneration whenever he or his clone attacks an enemy. This is an added layer of protection that allows him to jump in and out of battles easily. His ultimate Cyclone is a skill that knocks enemies up and has two charges. The skill is also mimicked by his clone.

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