Learn How to Summon Support NPCs with Monster Hunter Wilds’ SOS Flares

With the inclusion of support NPCs, Monster Hunter Wilds simplifies the process of receiving assistance during hunts by allowing them to respond to your SOS Flares.

“The reception for Monster Hunter Wilds at Gamescom 2024 has been explosive. After getting our own hands-on experience with the game, we are highly anticipating its release. It seems that Capcom has perfected their winning formula since the PS2 era, making this game one to watch out for.”

Thanks to the release of an amazing new trailer and various developer streams, we have been given a glimpse of breathtaking new creatures and improvements to the renowned weapons in the Monster Hunter franchise. Along with the showcased footage, the creators of Monster Hunter Wilds have also announced numerous exciting additions to the series, including the elimination of gender restrictions on armor.

Despite not receiving much attention, one recent addition has been the inclusion of NPC Support Hunters being summoned through SOS Flares when real players do not respond. This change has been met with an overwhelmingly positive response from fans of the franchise.

Monster Hunter Wilds Support NPCs

Hopefully, the game has some compelling NPC characters to hunt with.

Capcom has specified that the option to have AI companions accompany you on your hunts is entirely up to the player. According to the developer, the settings can be adjusted to either “player only”or “support hunter”only. By default, the game will have a combination of both options.

This implies that the game is capable of filling your party with four players, even if other players do not choose to join your hunt. If you’ve played Monster Hunter World and sent an SOS flare without receiving any response, you understand the frustration of not receiving the necessary assistance.

Monster Hunter Wilds has introduced a variant of SOS flares in order to alleviate this frustration. Gamers have responded positively to this new mechanic, with many expressing their appreciation in a Reddit thread dedicated to discussing the feature.

Upon hearing the suggestion, one hunter initially had conflicting thoughts but ultimately acknowledged the benefits it could provide for those who struggle with solo activities. Another hunter enthusiastically expressed support for the idea, recognizing the value of providing people with multiple choices.

In the end, hunters who are unable to obtain Lightbreak gear from Raging Brachydios will still have someone to turn to for help, even if that person is not considered a traditional ally.

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