Lord of the Rings Fans Express Discontent with Warner Bros’ Takedown of Fan Film

A new movie in The Lord of the Rings franchise is in the works, however, fans have been left disappointed after Warner Bros. removed a fan-made 2009 short film with the same title.

Fans were quickly excited when it was announced on May 9, 2024 that Peter Jackson would be producing The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum, a new movie directed by and starring Andy Serkis. However, scrutiny soon arose.

According to IGN, Warner Bros. has issued a copyright strike to Independent Online Cinema, resulting in the removal of their 2009 fan film. The reason for this action is due to the fact that the film shares the same title as a recently announced movie.

Since its release 15 years ago, the video on YouTube has accumulated over 13.6 million views. However, when searched for, the fan-made movie is currently unavailable with a message stating that it has been blocked by Warner Bros. Entertainment due to copyright issues.

The recent news has put Lord of the Rings fans in a difficult situation. On one hand, they are thrilled about Jackson’s upcoming movie, but on the other hand, they are disappointed as the original short film had received such positive feedback.

A fan on Reddit expressed disappointment and disapproval over the removal of the film, stating that it was a deplorable and despicable act. They questioned whether the company was now claiming the name in retrospect and pointed out that the fan-made film had been enjoyed by millions of fans worldwide for 15 years. The fan also highlighted the efforts put into the film, including acting, editing, filming, and music composition, only for it to be erased for the sake of creating an unnecessary film with the same title.

Another fan also expressed their disbelief, stating, “I will never comprehend decisions like this. The existence of a fan film will not deter anyone from watching the movie. It’s the same situation with gaming companies that shut down fan projects (like Nintendo). I have read that it is done to safeguard the intellectual property, but other companies actually encourage and support such projects without losing their IP.”

The reason behind the copright strike remains unclear. However, some speculate that it may have been a promotional tactic. According to one source, the strike could have been a strategy to redirect attention from the media campaign for their film and towards ‘Hunt for Gollum’. While not the most ethical move, it can be seen as a logical decision.

In addition to other new films premiering this month.

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