Ludwig’s Thoughts on Multistreaming and Twitch vs. YouTube

Streaming sensation Ludwig ‘Ludwig’ Ahgren recently expressed his dislike for multi-streams and emphasized the importance of focusing on one platform. This comes as several popular streamers return to Twitch.

Initially, Twitch was the dominant platform for creators pursuing a career in live streaming. However, in recent years, other websites have also entered the scene, providing additional options for content creators.

Despite platforms such as YouTube, Kick, Mixer, Facebook Gaming, and others offering exclusive contracts to streamers in an effort to rival Twitch, some streamers are choosing to forgo these deals in favor of more flexibility through multi-streaming. These contracts are intended to grant a platform complete exclusivity over a streamer, but some are opting for more independence.

Multi-streaming enables creators to simultaneously host the same stream on various platforms, giving viewers the flexibility to watch from their preferred site without any content being missed.

Despite the advantages for viewers, Ludwig is concerned that multi-streaming could potentially have negative consequences for streamers, and that the next major influencer in the streaming world may not necessarily be a multi-streamer.

On September 1, after TimTheTatman and DrLupo returned to Twitch, it was observed that many YouTube livestreamers also made the switch or started multistreaming as soon as their contracts expired, as mentioned by him.

“In response to fellow creator PirateSoftware, he reiterated his opposition to multistreaming due to his personal goals. He believes that the potential increase in viewership is not worth dividing his audience.”

“In my opinion, streamers often show a preference towards their chosen platform, resulting in the other chat being neglected. The next big streamer will not be someone who streams on multiple platforms and has an average of 50k viewers, but rather someone who dominates with 80k viewers on a single platform.”

Ludwig mentioned that he does use multi-streaming for specific events, such as ChessBoxing. However, he does not typically broadcast a regular stream across multiple platforms.

“I believe that if you are experiencing growth, it is not wise to limit yourself to just one platform,”he stated. “If your objective is to increase your viewership and reach a larger audience in order to share your message, generate more income, or achieve other goals, it would be wise to diversify your platform usage.”

Some other popular streamers, including Pokimane and Valkyrae, also added their thoughts. Valkyrae expressed her desire for a way to combine the advantages and disadvantages of YouTube and Twitch.

“According to Poki, streaming on YouTube can be enjoyable, but it may result in missing out on potential traffic from game directories and metas. Additionally, interacting with other streamers may require more effort.”

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