M-104 puzzle guide in Sonic Frontiers

Fans of Sonic Frontiers should get used to the turn-based puzzles by the time they reach Ouranos Island, as these puzzles require players to step on each tile in turn in a single line without moving diagonally or touching unlit areas.

In the far corners of the island of Ouranos, one of these island trials can be found. The island puzzle M-104 should be the final test for the players who have solved them so far; almost all tiles are illuminated and only one square is used as a starting point. This guide will tell players how to solve this puzzle in Sonic Frontiers.

Where is the M-104 puzzle


M-104 is located northwest of Koko’s Hermit and the Chaos Emerald vault, which contains a red Emerald. It is next to a small lake surrounded by ramps and other platform elements that players can use to search for memory tokens for the Sage, a “friend” of Uranus Island. The real difficulty in finding this puzzle is due to its location: it can be found in the farthest corners of the island.

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How to solve the M-104 Challenge puzzle

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A good tip for previous tile puzzle players is to think of it as a Snake game. M-104 is the best example of this, as the player constantly switches sides to complete the objective.

The steps the players must take are as follows: one tile to the right, 2 tiles down, 1 tile to the far right corner, up 3 tiles, left, up, right, then up again 1 tile each, then left 2 tiles, then down and left again. Go up 1 tile, then go left 2 tiles, then down 1 tile, turn right another 1, then down, left 1, then down again. Turn right again. Once there, go down 1 more tile, left, then down one last time, go right 2 more tiles, and then finally climb up to step on the last remaining tile and complete the challenge.

Solving this puzzle will bring fans closer to the Uranus Explorer’s Trophy and help them navigate the island in search of items that will advance them in the game. This may come in handy later, as some fans may need to explore the last island a little more after the release of the Sonic Frontiers DLC after the game launches in 2023.

Sonic Frontiers is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

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