Marvel Rivals Thor: A Comprehensive Guide to Abilities, Ultimate, and Tips

At San Diego Comic-Con, it was announced that three additional characters, including Doctor Doom, Jeff The Land Shark, and Thor, would be joining Marvel Rivals in the Closed Beta following the introduction of Venom and Adam Warlock.

The developers made a surprising decision to include Thor and Jeff in the Closed Beta, bringing the total number of characters on the roster list to 23.

Before jumping into Marvel Rivals to test out the latest characters, here is everything you need to know about Thor’s abilities and some helpful tips for playing as him.

Weapons of Thor in Marvel Rivals

It comes as no surprise that Thor’s iconic weapon is Mjolnir. In battle, he wields a primary attack and a secondary ranged ability.

The event known as “Mjolnir Bash”will remain unchanged.

  • Wield Mjolnir to strike enemies. When Awakened, Thor can launch lightning arc waves to deal damage

The sport of hammer throw remains the same.

  • Throw Mjolnir forwards that then returns

Thor’s Abilities in Marvel Rivals

Thor’s toolkit revolves around being in close proximity to enemies and carefully managing his resources. This is because Thor’s cooldowns rely heavily on his Thorforce, rather than following a standard timer.

In order to establish Thorforce, it will be necessary to engage in close combat with the opponent. This will provide a clear understanding of their playstyle, but it may not be suitable for those who prefer to fight from a distance.


The Thorforce remained unchanged.

  • After using any ability, casting Mjolnir Bash grants one point of Thorforce


Storm Surge refers to the abnormal rise in sea level during a storm or hurricane.

  • Hold to spin Mjolnir before dashing forward and knocking back enemies

Realms of Lightning

  • Summon lightning to restore Thorforce based on the number of hit enemies

The paragraph is already a title and does not require any changes.

  • Consume Thorforce to enter the Awakened State, granting bonus health and enhancing Mjolnir Bash


The deity of Thunder

  • Soar upwards and smite the ground after charging for a duration, inflicting damage on enemies within range
Marvel Rivals Thor ult

When using God of Thunder, you will free-fly in the air before smiting the ground below you

Tips to play Thor in Marvel Rivals

When playing as Thor, the objective is to engage with your enemies in close combat.

In order to build up Thorforce quickly, it is essential to be in close proximity to your enemies. The main purpose of building up Thorforce is to be able to consistently use the Awakening Rune.

During team fights or when facing enemies, it is important to utilize the Awakening Rune as it not only increases your durability, but also allows you to deal significant damage with ranged attacks.

It is important to mention that in order to construct Thorforce, you must use an ability and successfully strike an opponent with your main attack, which requires close proximity. However, by effectively managing your resources with the use of Lightning Realm, it should not be difficult to consistently have enough Thorforce to utilize the Awakening Rune.

His ultimate, God of Thunder, is an excellent ability to utilize when facing death, as it allows you to soar into the air and avoid taking damage. Additionally, it serves as a valuable tool for engaging enemies, as it enables you to position yourself in the enemy’s backline.

Naturally, it is important to always be aware of your teammate’s location and your line of sight to them since you will be in close proximity to the enemy. In challenging situations, you can utilize Storm Surge to attempt to escape.

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