MBITIOUS Noh Taehyun’s greeting was “Welcome”! The catchphrase “Yes” is so authentic ~ and even a hand-made unreleased video

(Cover image source: ON INN ASIA)

Roh Tae-hyun, a member of the dance group MBITIOUS, came to Taiwan alone to hold a fan meeting. It was a great honor for him to come to Taiwan again after about half a year. In addition to showing off his superb dancing skills, he also sang songs from the musical and showed off his bel canto voice. He also specially edited a video for today’s event to let everyone see the other side of Noh Tae-hyun.

(Photo source: ON INN ASIA)

As soon as Noh Tae-hyun came on stage, he played four dance songs in a row and greeted everyone in Chinese, “Thank you, how are you? I am Noh Tae-hyun, welcome today!”He said that today he will bring the dance number that fans want to see, and also Will add my latest dance creation. In the past, he has been doing most of the activities with the members of the group MBITIOUS. Today, he is standing alone on the stage for a long time. He is a little nervous and hopes to bring everyone a pleasant time.

(Photo source: ON INN ASIA)

Roh Tae Hyun, whose birthday is on October 15th, just spent his birthday with MBITIOUS members and fans, and today he also joked that he came to Taiwan to accept congratulations from Taiwanese fans. Roh Tae-hyun, who is versatile, often releases his own videos on YT, including visual radio, v-ROHg, cover dance music, etc. He is able to shoot and edit and produce all by himself, which can be said to be All-around creator. And he also said that he received help from many staff and support from fans, which made him feel that the channel should be run well.

(Photo source: ON INN ASIA)

After showing off his dancing skills at the beginning, Roh Tae-hyun also performed the ballad “Star in the Sky”and the song “In Your Dream”sung in the musical “Frankenstein”, showing off his bel canto voice. In addition, for this fan meeting, he specially edited a video that was only released for the first time today. There is also a scene of him practicing the Chinese song “How Are You”, and then singing the song live, The standard pronunciation was praised by fans in the audience. Moreover, Lu Taehyun also learned the Chinese mantra “Yes”and is very good at using it, making everyone feel very down-to-earth.

This year has come to an end, and Roh Tae Hyun also hopes that he will have more opportunities to continue to stand on the stage. He also mentioned that for the first time since his debut, he felt that fans may be a little opposed to his every move, but in the end they will support him unconditionally. Thank you all very much for your support.

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