More than half of the plot of “Welcome to the Kingdom of the Kingdom” is hotly discussed! Why do we watch it: chasing stars vs chasing drama

(Cover image source: jtbc “Welcome to the Kingdom of the King”)

“Welcome to the Kingdom of the Kingdom”is halfway through the plot, and the audience has something to say.

“Welcome to the Kingdom of the King”is co-starred by the second-generation idol group Li Junhao (2PM) and Runa (Girls’ Generation). It revolves around the hero Koo Won (played by Li Junhao) who was involved in the succession war of the King Hotel and Tian Silang (played by Rune) who entered the King Hotel for the first time as a one-month trainee.

(Source: jtbc “Welcome to the Kingdom of the King”)

The setting of the plot is the classic Korean drama stalk “Overbearing President Falls in Love with Ordinary Girls”. The routine of the sweet pet drama is the atmosphere of happy friends and humorous plots, as well as the extreme pull of the hero and heroine before they formally fall in love, and this is what the audience expects to see in “Welcome to the Kingdom of the Kingdom”. It’s just that halfway through the plot, the enthusiasm of Korean local audiences for the drama gradually declined, especially in the second half, when the relationship between Goo Won and Cheon Sirang was noticed by people around him, the ratings fluctuated like waves.

National / Metropolitan Area
01 episode 5.075 / 5.344 Lowest
02 episode 7.544 / 8.255 03 episode 9.145 / 10.671
04 episode 9.645 /
10.003 05 episode 9.672 /
10.590 06 episode
12.017 / 12.607 07 episode 10.607 / 11. 496 08 episodes 12.317/
Up to
09 episodes 10.196/11.174 10 episodes 11.303/12.351 11 episodes 9.003/10.062 12 episodes 10.977/11.522

Some Korean netizens posted and discussed this phenomenon on theqoo, and unexpectedly it aroused the resonance of many netizens. Korean netizens commented as follows:
1. Some people think this type of plot is old-fashioned, but I think it is pretty good. The character setting and name are very old-fashioned, and the foreshadowing of the first episode is also obvious, but the two actors are really good-looking 2. The
plot of last week is very interesting, the trip to Thailand should be put in the back, the sweet wedding trip
3. The pictures of the trip to Thailand are indeed beautiful, but the plot has no content, I just fast-forward.
4. This type of TV series is the best to watch during the ambiguous process, and the fun will decrease when they
are really together. 10. I am a fan of the protagonists, but the dramas they star in don’t necessarily have to be chased, but I won’t lose fans, I will always be my actor and my life

(Source: jtbc “Welcome to the Kingdom of the King”)

On the whole, the ratings trend of this drama has been showing an upward trend, but the evaluation is not consistent. Some viewers think that the plot is old-fashioned and lacks plot, but there are also many fans who continue to follow the drama because of the actors.

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