MrBeast testing new AI to generate YouTube video ideas

MrBeast is one of several YouTubers currently trying out a new AI tool that assists in generating video ideas by analyzing their channels.

Spotter, a company that has invested millions in purchasing old YouTube videos, is now offering creators a tool to produce new content, including concept art.

Spotter’s latest AI technology, which was revealed on September 3rd, is specifically designed to analyze a creator’s current content and generate ideas that align with their unique style, tone, and other key elements.

The program transcribes the audio of every video, disregarding any visuals on the screen. Despite this, it uses the transcription to generate fresh ideas that align with the creator’s theme.

Spotter claims to have strong connections with leading creators such as MrBeast, Dude Perfect, Kinigra Deon, and Colin and Samir.

“According to Spotter’s website, we have incorporated the valuable insights from YouTubers to develop and refine our products to cater to their unique requirements. Our goal is to make our products both enjoyable to use and tailored to your channel.”

“Following numerous discussions with renowned creators and specialists, we discovered that their main requirement was for improved choices tailored to their needs. This led us to develop a comprehensive set of creative tools equipped with exclusive data, insights, and personalized AI models specifically designed for creators and their channels.”

According to Spotter’s EVP of product and creator tools, Paul Bakaus, the program is specifically designed to assist YouTubers in competing with the increasing prevalence of AI-generated content.

According to him, the focus is on ensuring that creators are able to stay ahead in the face of the endless influx of AI-generated content. This was stated in an interview with Business Insider.

“The abundance of AI-generated content, including videos, voice recordings, and story ideas, will create a significant challenge for humans to remain at the forefront. Ironically, we are developing software that utilizes AI to empower creators to stay ahead of this wave.”

Individuals based in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia have the option to register for a waitlist in order to obtain Spotter’s AI creative suite. However, this service will be available at a monthly price of $49.

At this point, it is uncertain whether any of MrBeast’s videos were produced with assistance from Spotter. However, the top creator on YouTube may be seeking all the support he can get, as soccer icon Cristiano Ronaldo has declared his intention to surpass him in number of subscribers.

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