MW3 players find matchmaking slower than an Xbox 360 game

While some Modern Warfare 3 players are switching to the original CoD 4, many are surprised to find that matchmaking speeds are much faster compared to the newer game.

Modern Warfare 3 has had a successful start since arriving in late 2023. Players have loved the ability to return to MW2’s iconic maps from 2009, and regular updates like the recent Update Reloaded have kept them happy with new content.

However, it has not all been easy, as a number of complaints recur frequently. One is matchmaking speeds, with many players saying it takes too long to find a match, leaving them sitting in the lobby rather than playing.

And recently, this problem has resurfaced, as MW3 players realize that the original CoD 4 finds games faster.

Reddit user ‘ GunnaYs ‘ shared a post asking: “Why can’t MW3 find games this quickly?”

How come Mw3 can’t find games this fast? byu/GunnaYs inModernWarfareIII

He then included a clip of him entering a game on Showdown just seconds after launching the search, before he even had time to modify his classes.

“This game came out 16 years ago and yet I find games in 10 seconds in 2024” continued the author of the post, before a number of players responded.

Many have blamed SBMM for being the reason Modern Warfare 3 takes so long to find a game, as the pool of possible players is reduced by the need to create games of similar skill level.

“When the algorithm doesn’t have to match you with clones of yourself, it tends to find matches a lot faster,” one player said in the comments, before another added: “I’m about to shut down MW3 for this reason lol.”

It’s worth noting that the shared clip was most likely running CoD 4 on an Xbox Series X/S or PC, rather than the Xbox 360 or PS3 consoles the game originally launched on. This likely contributed to how quickly this player was able to find a lobby.

Regardless, players were still impressed by how quickly they could get into a game in a 2007 game compared to a 2023 game.

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