MW3 players rage at “bots” ruining Ranked mode

The MW3 community is frustrated by the presence of “AI bots” in Ranked mode and wants the developers to act quickly.

The MW3 player base has suspected for a while that the developers were inserting bots into parts of the game as a way to help improve player stats.

And with the recent release of Ranked mode, players were expecting a competitive and straightforward playlist, without bots.

Unfortunately, fans think bots have found their way into this new competitive mode, and they’re definitely not happy about it.

MW3 players react to “bots” invading Ranked mode

In a post on the MW3 subreddit, a player shared a clip with the title: “This is a real bot on my Ranked team. How is this allowed?”

The clip shows the player following their ally in a game of Ranked mode. The character’s patterns and behavior are clearly robotic and bear no resemblance to a real person playing the game.

This an actual bot on my team in a ranked game. How is this allowed? byu/Its_Da_Piggy inModernWarfareIII

If this player claims that it is a bot, other fans were keen to point out that this was not the usual behavior of a MW3 bot in the game:

“There is absolutely no chance this is an AI bot. Play a private game with bots, they don’t behave like that at all.”

Instead, the community suggests that this is an example of someone using an AFK script, which keeps the character moving so the game doesn’t kick them out while they’re gone. It’s not quite a bot in the traditional sense, but it’s not a real player either.

This method is used to farm XP for the battle pass or to level up the game, as completing games helps with this progression.

But even with this explanation, players are not happy to see this practice in the game: “Whatever. Matchmaking is screwed if you’re matched with someone who is AFK and ruining games. It’s a 3 against 4 and it’s not fair at all.”

It’s clear that MW3 players want changes on this subject, however for the moment, silence is required from the developers.

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