My Hero Academia Fans Speculate Shigaraki’s Return in Chapter 425

My Hero Academia Fans Speculate Shigaraki’s Return in Chapter 425

Despite his apparent death at the end of the Final War, fans have been left wondering if Tomura Shigaraki may have made a surprising return following the events of My Hero Academia Chapter 425.

Despite rarely killing off characters, My Hero Academia left fans puzzled when Shigaraki seemingly disappeared during the Final War Arc. While some speculated his death, others held onto the possibility of his survival.

Nonetheless, Shigaraki’s fate was finally confirmed in Chapter 424, putting an end to any lingering confusion. According to Deku, the villain did indeed pass away, but his final moments brought him a sense of tranquility. This ultimately signified the conclusion of the series’ primary antagonist.

The recent release of Chapter 425 has caused speculation due to its spoilers. Within the chapter, a mysterious figure is seen in an abandoned alley, with long and unkempt dark hair and appearing to be overcome with tears.

The unidentified individual seems to be seriously wounded, and their garments are in disarray. With great effort, they rise to their feet and limp ahead, navigating past the ruined structures while grasping onto the walls for stability — almost reminiscent of the fallen enemy.

Despite being featured in Chapter 425, there is no information provided on this character, further fueling fans’ suspicions. Many believe that the character is actually Shigaraki, who somehow managed to survive and awaken as Tenko.

It is a plausible theory that Tenko’s original black hair was turned light by All For One’s Quirk after his trauma. Additionally, his uncontrollable tears and the small but crucial detail about their hand and ankles support this possibility.

Despite his deep hatred, Shigaraki’s final moments were met with a sense of peace as he was saved by Deku. The weight of Shigaraki’s death continues to burden the young hero, who sees it as his own personal failure. This theme is prevalent throughout the epilogue chapters and suggests that My Hero Academia may be heading towards a more optimistic and hopeful conclusion with the potential return of Shigaraki.

According to the fans of the series, this is what they believe. As stated by one X user on Twitter, “It’s definitely him, the hair being cut to the same length as when Tenko was a child before being taken in by AFO.”

A different user stated, “It could be either Tenko being reborn in some way, or this could just be a symbolic appearance of a new character.”

One person commented, “He goes by Tenko, but he doesn’t seem to have any memory of his past or how he ended up here. Perhaps someone from UA can assist in restoring his memories.”

The true identity of the mysterious figure, believed to be Shigaraki, will be unveiled in upcoming chapters. As for the present, My Hero Academia Chapter 425 is scheduled to be published on June 9, 2024.

To learn more about the superhero anime and manga, be sure to read our guides on the most recent chapter of My Hero Academia and the top Quirks taken by All For One. Additionally, you may enjoy our discussions on Deku’s major transformation and his newly acquired Quirk.

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