Naruto’s Ibiki Morino was so scary, people killed themselves rather than face him

The Naruto franchise owes much of its immense popularity and triumph to its cast of characters. Masashi Kishimoto’s masterful creation features a diverse and dynamic group of characters that have made a lasting impact on the world of anime and continue to be cherished by fans.

Despite the large number of characters in the series, there is one individual who, although not prominently featured, managed to leave a lasting impression. This character is none other than Ibiki Morino, the head of Konoha’s Intelligence Division, known for his fearsome and ruthless reputation within his village.

Ibiki Morino interrogating Karin Uzumaki (image via Pierrot)
Ibiki Morino interrogating Karin Uzumaki (image via Pierrot)

Ibiki Morino is a crucial figure in Konoha as the leader of its Intelligence Division. He holds the rank of tokubetsu jonin in Konoha and serves as the commanding officer of the Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force.

Ibiki Morino is highly skilled in interrogation and torture, thanks to his profound knowledge of the human mind. In fact, he is widely recognized as the top interrogator in Konoha.

From his early days as a genin, Ibiki showed a natural talent for gathering intel. He was a member of a team alongside Hayate Gekko, and his interrogation techniques were unique in that they did not rely on physical torture. Instead, he used psychological tactics to break down his opponents, making it nearly impossible for them to withhold any information from him.

Despite his impressive ability to use pain as a means of communication during interrogations, Ibiki also possesses a remarkable mental fortitude. He not only excels at inflicting punishment, but also at enduring it when it is inflicted upon him.

On one occasion, Aoi Rokusho managed to capture Ibiki and subjected him to brutal torture.

Ibiki’s reputation as the premier Anbu interrogator was widely recognized, as demonstrated when he and his team faced off against the Cypher Division of Kiri (Village Hidden in the Mist).

After recognizing Ibiki as the top Anbu interrogator of Konoha, Kisame Hoshigaki, a member of the Division, chose to eliminate his entire team instead of risking them being interrogated by Ibiki and divulging important information.

Despite Ibiki’s twisted nature, he was clearly unsettled by Kisame’s actions of killing his own comrades instead of allowing them to face him and potentially harm their village.

It is worth mentioning that Ibiki is not consistently a terrifying interrogator who possesses a reputation intimidating enough to strike fear into the hearts of his adversaries. In addition to his typically stern demeanor, Ibiki occasionally reveals a more laid-back aspect of himself, which unsurprisingly leaves onlookers in a state of shock due to the sudden change in his character.

Despite not being a prominent character in the series, Ibiki Morino’s presence still had a significant impact on the story and various characters. As a result, fans often reflect on his character with fondness and appreciate his role in shaping the epic nature of the Naruto franchise.

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