Netflix’s Latest Addition Sparks Warning from Fans

Don’t forget to grab your tissues because the heart-wrenching movie, Aftersun, has recently been added to Netflix. Fans are already cautioning viewers about the intense emotional journey they are about to embark on while watching this film, which has been deemed the saddest in the past 24 years.

Netflix has added a new film to its collection that is sure to bring on the waterworks, just like some of the greatest movies of all time such as Titanic and Grave of the Fireflies. This new addition is now available to stream, adding to the already emotional selection on the platform.

Aftersun, a coming-of-age drama, was released in 2022 and tells the story of Sophie (Frankie Corio) on vacation with her distant father Calum (Paul Mescal). Calum grapples with the challenges of life beyond being a father, while Sophie attempts to reconcile the image of her father with the person he has become.

As the two continue to bond, the desire to purchase more packs of Kleenex only grows stronger, leaving viewers emotionally shattered as the pair reconnects in 1990s Turkey. However, fans offer a word of caution – be prepared for a challenging viewing experience.

“Sending good luck to all those watching,”one fan tweeted, while another agreed, “There are probably some unsuspecting Netflix subscribers who will stumble upon it in the ‘summer movie’ category, press play, and have their lives changed forever.”

A third individual chimed in, stating “Go ruin your life. I dare you. I’ll never be able to listen to Losing My Religion by REM the same way again.”

A fourth individual sarcastically stated that this movie is a cute and fun option for a summer watch. They reassured that it will not have any overwhelming emotional impact and recommended it for a casual family viewing.

The latest Netflix film subtly portrayed the sadness that creeps up on viewers, as Sophie gradually realizes the extent of Calum’s difficult situation and struggles with mental health before ultimately leaving him at the airport.

The conclusion of the story is open to interpretation, with multiple possible meanings. However, the most probable result is also the most devastating.

It is not surprising that Aftersun has such a powerful emotional impact, as it is heavily influenced by director Charlotte Wells’ personal experiences. In an interview with The Guardian, she clarified that while the film is often referred to as her personal memory, it is not an exact representation. Many of the conversations and interactions that were initially included in the script did not make it into the final version.

“I believe this is because my dedication lies in serving the film, rather than my own personal past. However, it is inevitable that my own experiences and emotions, which are the foundation of the film, are still present and expressed in the film’s grief.”

You can now stream Aftersun on Netflix. Don’t miss out on the latest movies and TV shows being added this month. Additionally, you can discover top true crime documentaries to complement your viewing experience.

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