The highly anticipated documentary, Popstar Academy, made its official debut on Netflix on August 21. The film follows the journey of KATSEYE, a multinational girl group created through a collaboration between HYBE and Geffen Records, a subsidiary of UMG. Led by Bang Si Hyuk, Chairman of HYBE, the rookie group made their debut in June of 2024, with his guidance, talent discovery, and training playing a vital role in their success.
In the documentary, Bang Si Hyuk discusses various ideas regarding the influence of a star. He believes that a performer’s stage presence cannot solely be judged based on talent, but rather on their “star power.”This concept may be abstract and challenging to identify in trainees, but Bang Si Hyuk’s extensive experience as a producer allows him to recognize this quality from a single scene.
“According to Bang Si Hyuk, while many people prioritize skill, for him, star power is the most crucial factor.”
Despite being widely shared on K-pop forums, the HYBE Chairman’s comments received a range of reactions. Some individuals criticized Bang Si Hyuk’s methods for choosing idols, claiming that he underestimates their talents.
This has prompted individuals to reconsider the talent shortage at HYBE. By placing too much emphasis on “first impressions”and “star power,”the company has overlooked the identification of genuinely skilled idols.
The company’s trained groups have consistently caused debates over their abilities. LE SSERAFIM, considered the most unpopular girl group in K-pop, serves as an evident instance. Following their unsatisfactory performance at Coachella and multiple allegations of copyright infringement, the public’s view of HYBE’s artists has turned increasingly adverse. Bang Si Hyuk, previously credited for making BTS a K-pop sensation, is now facing criticism for “ruining K-pop”.
Reference: K14
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