NewJeans’ Dramatic Drop in Brand Reputation Rankings

In the rapidly-moving industry of K-Pop, where a group’s fame can soar or crash in a matter of days, brand reputation rankings are a vital measure of their popularity and how they are viewed by the public.


Under the leadership of ADOR CEO Min Hee Jin, NewJeans, a rising star in the fashion industry, has experienced a rollercoaster journey from a rapid ascent to a sudden downfall, leading fans and industry insiders to question the reliability of these rankings.

In the middle of 2022, NewJeans quickly rose through the ranks of the monthly charts from the Korea Brand Reputation Research Institute.

NewJeans(Photo : pannchoa)

In December of that same year, they had secured the #1 position on the girl group brand ranking, which was a remarkable accomplishment for a newly debuted group.

During the entirety of 2023, their position at the top appeared certain as they held the #1 spot for the majority of the year and received worldwide recognition for their music and live shows.

NewJeans(Photo : pannchoa)

Nevertheless, 2024 brought about an unexpected turn of events.

Despite an impressive start to the year, ranking #2 on the girl group chart and #9 for singers, their positions have since declined.

NewJeans(Photo : pannchoa)

In February, they fell to #7 among girl groups, and their ranking continued to fluctuate until June when it reached a surprising #23.

Twitter Photo Update

At the same time, their vocalist’s ranking dropped significantly to a disappointing #90, indicating a striking difference from their previous position.

Speculation has arisen regarding the timing of NewJeans’ downfall, which happens to occur during a highly publicized feud between HYBE Labels, which is home to internationally renowned groups such as BTS, and ADOR, led by the visionary Min Hee Jin.

This divide, frequently concealed through business diplomacy, has caused speculation of covert manipulation impacting the assessment of brand reputation.

Brand Reputation Chart
Brand Reputation Chart

The doubts of both fans and industry pundits have been further intensified by allegations of bias and opaque methodology.

Brand Reputation Chart
Brand Reputation Chart
Brand Reputation Chart
Brand Reputation Chart

The sudden drop in NewJeans’ rankings has not gone unnoticed by netizens, who have been vocal in expressing their opinions.

The online conversation conveys a sense of disbelief and frustration, as numerous individuals doubt the accuracy of these metrics in accurately representing popularity as opposed to corporate interests.

Brand Reputation Chart
Brand Reputation Chart

Despite NewJeans’ consistent online presence and numerous brand endorsements, their declining chart positions have further amplified demands for transparency and reform in the process of determining these rankings.

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