One Spell is Essential for Solving Baldur’s Gate 3 Puzzles

The realm of Baldur’s Gate 3 is fraught with peril, as its most valuable riches are guarded by ferocious creatures and treacherous traps. However, many players opt to simply utilize one spell to circumvent these obstacles.

In order to capture the essence of the tabletop experience in a video game, the developers of Baldur’s Gate 3 made sure to adhere to D&D 5E rules. This is evident in the fact that players can interact with nearly every corpse and animal, a feature that can be achieved through the use of spells.

Regrettably, certain magical influences can significantly simplify the game. In fact, the Dispel Magic spell was removed from the game during the initial stages of development because it overly complicated almost all encounters.

According to members of the Baldur’s Gate 3 Reddit, another spell in the final game has a similar effect. This spell is Misty Step, a short-range teleportation spell that allows players to bypass numerous puzzles and hazards in dungeons without having to engage with them.

What’s something you’ve never done the “right”way? byu/Jules1029 inBaldursGate3

The original poster stated that in all of their 8 playthroughs, they had never attempted to reach the Adamantine Forge by using the levers and platforms. Instead, they would use Misty Step or Long Jump from the location of Nere to unlock the waypoint and teleport everyone else across. It took them a while to realize that there was an alternative method.

One user commented, “I don’t engage in battle with the titan steel watcher in the room. I simply find a way to hide and use Misty Step to reach the neurocitor, triggering an instant cut scene.”Another user shared, “I never properly utilized Shar’s trials. Misty Step was always my trusty companion.”

Despite its usefulness, there are still some people who are unaware of the various methods available, such as using levers to reach the forge instead of relying on Misty Step. This was a surprise to one individual, who exclaimed, “Wait, hold up… you can use levers? I didn’t know that! (I’m on my 12th playthrough.)”

Despite the challenges, I was able to successfully execute this strategy in my own playthrough. Instead of confronting the Goblin Camp leaders and obtaining a key to their locked treasure chamber, I opted to sneak past the guards, utilize Misty Step to gain entry to their treasure room, and abscond with all of the loot before quickly traveling to a safe location.

Some players were able to easily conquer the most difficult dungeons in Baldur’s Gate 3 using just a single spell. While Dimension Door and Fly can also be helpful for bypassing gameplay, they are not available until later in the game.

Despite the potential perception of Misty Step as being poor game design, it remains one of the most memorable features in Baldur’s Gate 3. Unlike many other games that restrict the use of powers to bypass content, Baldur’s Gate 3 actually rewards players for their cleverness.

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