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Optimal Keybinds for Dominating Deadlock

Optimal Keybinds for Dominating Deadlock

The right keybinds can significantly enhance your performance in battles and lead you to victory in Deadlock. This article will provide the best Deadlock keybind settings to help you dominate your next match.

Best Deadlock Settings for Mouse and Keyboard

These keybinds cover all essential movements and actions needed for any Deadlock match. It’s advisable to test these settings as is before adjusting them to suit your preferences. Having the right controls is crucial for optimal gameplay.


These keybinds align with conventions commonly found in most FPS games, so they are retained in their default format.

Move Forward IN
Move Backward S
Move Left (Strafe) A
Move Right (Strafe) D
Jump/Mantle Space
Dash Left Shift
Crouch/Slide Left Control


The item keybinds are positioned where the abilities were originally located. This setup keeps them easily accessible while ensuring that more vital keys are available for character abilities.

Item 1 1
Item 2 2
Item 3 3
Item 4 4


In addition to the keybinds mentioned, make sure to keep the Enable HUD Ping Indicator option checked for better in-game communication.

Push to Talk `
Chat All Shift + Return (the Enter key)
Chat Team Return (the Enter key)
Mouse Wheel AND
Ping Click Mouse Wheel (Mouse3)


The ability keybinds have been rearranged for easier access during combat. Self-casting now requires a double-tap on the ability button, which speeds up the casting process compared to using a separate key.

Melee Side Mouse Button (Mouse4)
Ability 1 Q
Ability 2 AND
Ability 3 C
Ability 4 V
Melee Parry/Throw Held Item F
Cancel Ability Space
Change Self Cast Mode Double Tap

Miscellaneous Keybinds

This section covers keybinds for crucial actions like firing, accessing the shop, and pausing the game. These keys remain the same as they are well-suited for their respective functions.

Fire Left Mouse Button (Mouse1)
Zoom Right Mouse Button (Mouse2)
Extra Info Left Alt Key
Open Shop B
Scoreboard Tab
Reload R
Dev Console F7
Pause P
Toggle Free Cursor J
Watch Teammate 1 F1
Watch Teammate 2 F2
Watch Teammate 3 F3
Watch Teammate 4 F4
Look at Teammate 5 F5

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