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Optimizing Your Deadlock Keyboard & Mouse Settings: Finding the Perfect Sensitivity and Keybinds

Optimizing Your Deadlock Keyboard & Mouse Settings: Finding the Perfect Sensitivity and Keybinds

In order to excel at Deadlock, it is crucial to discover the most suitable settings for your personal playing style. Therefore, this article will provide essential information on the ideal keyboard and mouse settings, along with recommended sensitivity and keybinds for optimal performance.

Finally, Valve has acknowledged Deadlock, leading to widespread discussions about the highly-anticipated hero shooter MOBA game. With testers now able to try it out, the game is quickly generating a huge amount of excitement.

As a shooter, it is important to fine-tune your mouse and keybind settings to suit your preferences before fully immersing yourself in the game. This is crucial because the game heavily relies on your accuracy and timing.

With this in consideration, the optimal keyboard and mouse settings for Deadlock on PC are listed below.

Optimal Mouse Settings for Playing Deadlock

Listed below are the optimal mouse settings for Deadlock:

  • Mouse Sensitivity: 2.10
  • Zoom Sensitivity Ratio: 1.00
  • Invert Mouse: Off
  • Toggle Zoom: On
Deadlock mouse settings

These mouse settings at 400 dpi are a good starting point.

It is important to note that none of the settings mentioned should be strictly followed, but rather used as a starting point and customized to fit your personal preferences.

The mouse’s dpi was set to 400. With this setting, you will be able to do a 360 in 24.7 centimeters, which is suitable for most players. However, you have the flexibility to adjust the sensitivity to your preference.

If you are utilizing a higher dpi, you will need to decrease the sensitivity in order to achieve the same 360 distance as us.

As the dpi increases exponentially, the in-game sensitivity must be halved. For instance, if the dpi is set at 800, the sensitivity should be 1.05. Similarly, if the dpi is 1600, the sensitivity should be 0.53. The reverse is also true.

Typically, it is recommended to keep the Zoom Sensitivity Ratio at 1.00 to match the speed of hipfire. However, if you prefer a faster or slower zoom sensitivity, it is best to adjust it to your personal preference.

Moreover, we have chosen to enable toggle zoom as it is our accustomed preference. However, if you are more at ease without it, feel free to disable it.

Best keybind settings for Deadlock

In Deadlock, mastering keybinds can be challenging. The number row is typically assigned to most abilities by default, while the traditional ability buttons (such as Z, X, and C) are used for items.

Nevertheless, if you are familiar with other hero shooters such as Overwatch 2 and Valorant, you may discover that the default keybinds for Deadlock can be confusing and may not align with your muscle memory.

To achieve this, we will suggest two distinct keybind configurations, one that closely aligns with the default and the other that is familiar to players of Valorant and Overwatch 2.

Tips for optimizing keybinds in Deadlock for beginners

Default keybinds:

  • Move Forward: W
  • Move Backward: S
  • Move Left (strafe): A
  • Move Right (strafe): D
  • Jump/Mantle: Space
  • Dash: Left Shift
  • Crouch/Slide: Left CTRL
  • Fire: Mouse 1
  • Zoom: Mouse 2
  • Item 1: Z
  • Item 2: X
  • Item 3: C
  • Item 4: E
  • Melee: Q
  • Ability 1: 1
  • Ability 2: 2
  • Ability 3: 3
  • Ability 4: 4
  • Melee Parry/ Throw Held Item: F
  • Cancel Ability: Space
  • Push to talk: V
  • Ping: Mouse 3
  • Scoreboard: Tab

These settings closely resemble the default options, meaning they may be suitable for players who are new to hero shooters and are just starting to play Deadlock.

In these configurations, we have designated V as the push-to-talk button since it is the most commonly used. Furthermore, we have reassigned Item 4’s keybind to E for improved accessibility.

Apart from those minor modifications, the settings mostly remain consistent with the default. You are welcome to make any adjustments as necessary, as this is simply a template to help you find your ideal keybinds.

Optimal Keybindings for Players of Valorant and Overwatch 2 in Deadlock

Keyboard shortcuts for players of Valorant and Overwatch 2:

  • Move Forward: W
  • Move Backward: S
  • Move Left (strafe): A
  • Move Right (strafe): D
  • Jump/Mantle: Space
  • Dash: Left Shift
  • Crouch/Slide: Left CTRL
  • Fire: Mouse 1
  • Zoom: Mouse 2
  • Item 1: 1
  • Item 2: 2
  • Item 3: 3
  • Item 4: 4
  • Melee: Z
  • Ability 1: E
  • Ability 2: C
  • Ability 3: X
  • Ability 4: Q
  • Melee Parry/Throw Held Item: F
  • Cancel Ability: Space
  • Push to talk: V
  • Ping: Mouse 3
  • Scoreboard: Tab

These settings are suitable for experienced players of both Valorant and Overwatch 2.

After spending a considerable amount of time playing Overwatch 2, we have become accustomed to having our Ultimate ability, referred to as Ability 4 in Deadlock, assigned to the Q key. However, if you are a fan of Valorant, you may be more accustomed to having your Ultimate mapped to the X key.

Deadlock ability keybinds

These are the best keybinds to start off with if you’re a Valorant or Overwatch 2 player

Overall, for players familiar with other hero shooters, it is recommended to assign the abilities to the E, C, X, Q, Z, and F keys as they are in close proximity to the WASD keys and are typically used for abilities in other hero shooters. It is advised to reserve the number row for item usage.

Despite this, you may observe that Deadlock possesses a higher number of buttons and actions compared to the typical hero shooter. Therefore, we also suggest assigning actions to your side mouse buttons, if you have one available.

In our personal configurations, we utilize Mouse 4 for Melee and Mouse 5 for Melee Parry/Throw Held Item. We strongly suggest experimenting with various button setups in the Hero Sandbox to find the best fit for your playstyle.

These are all the necessary details regarding the optimal mouse and keyboard configurations for Deadlock. However, keep in mind that these are merely recommendations. It’s important to try out various keybinds and sensitivities to determine the ideal combination that works best for you.

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