Palworld Player Shares Tip for Clearing Dungeons in a Flash

A Palworld player shares a very useful tip that saves a lot of time in dungeons.

Palworld quickly established itself as a benchmark, reaching the top of the rankings of the most popular games on Steam. Players’ enthusiasm for it was instantaneous, drawn in by the charming Pals, base building, thrilling boss fights, and exploration of its vast open world. These features combined created an immersive experience from the start.

Gathering resources or building your base and capturing Pals is not without effort. And regarding the latter, fighting in dungeons can be difficult and time-consuming in Palworld.

However, a Palworld player recently shared a tip that might make your job easier. In just a few simple steps, you will save valuable time.

A Palworld player shares the steps to take with his Pal to get through a dungeon in the blink of an eye

In a post on Reddit, player u/yashpwnz shared a can’t-miss dungeon tip in Palworld. The title says it all: “If you Raise your Pal after stroking it while you climb a wall, you can complete dungeons in a minute.”The post is accompanied by a video which explains his remarks in images.

In fact, we see the player entering a dungeon, clinging to a wall before stroking his Pal, then mounting it. Thanks to some kind of bug, he then passes through the dungeon, as if by magic, without having to fight anyone. He ends up reaching the final room in less than a minute.

If you Mount your pal after Petting them while climbing a wall, it will let you finish dungeons in a minute byu/yashpwnz inPalworld

In the comments, many players were ecstatic about this news. Some wondered, incredulously: “How do we discover this kind of thing? “. Another simply said: “It’s beautiful.”

Another player joked calling the player a “Wall Hacker!! ” , to which the original poster replied “Sshhh, don’t tell Pocket Pair: P” . Indeed, as long as the bug is not resolved, everyone can benefit from it.

Finally, some took the opportunity to also share a tip regarding the mount to choose for this type of feat. Many seemed to agree that Ragnahawk and Fenglope are much better options due to their flying abilities and size.

All you have to do is go and test this tip and see if you too can complete dungeons in less than a minute in Palworld.

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