Palworld players amazed by this Blazehowl Noct in “atomic” mode

Palworld players are stunned by what appears to be a bug allowing Blazehowl to unleash an “atomic”attack to eliminate enemies.

With the game in early access, the Palworld community has been seeing bugs since its launch last month.

Now they are amazed again by a new bug. The latter allows a Blazehowl Noct attack to launch a nuclear strike on its enemies.

Palworld players love Blazehowl’s ‘atomic’ attack bug

On Reddit, player u/truht explains: “So there’s a bug where my Blazehowl Noct nukes everything, I guess…”.

The post was accompanied by a video showing the player fighting a Wumpo Botan boss with their Blazehowl Noct. Suddenly, the latter unleashes a sort of attack encompassing the entire battlefield, not only eliminating the boss, but also lifting it into the air.

So there’s a bug where my Blazehowl Noct just nukes everything I guess.. byu/truht inPalworld

The community reacted with astonishment to the video, with many fans wondering how the bug could be reproduced. “I need to get one before they fix it…Sounds fun.” You don’t happen to know what skill he uses?»

Unfortunately, it seems that this is not something that can be controlled or reproduced. Some Palworld players have tried and failed to do this.

Fans have at least agreed to call it an Ignis Rage, which is a powerful attack. It’s just that no one knows how it happens in the first place.

Of course, there were plenty of memes and jokes about the clip. Many people have cited one of the most popular films of last year: “Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

Unfortunately, this is almost certainly something that will be fixed in the future. In the meantime, Palworld players will enjoy it as much as they can.

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