Palworld Players Want These Missing Features From Early Trailers

Palworld has no shortage of things to do for players, but one player noted features shown in old trailers that were allegedly removed from the game during development.

Pocketpair’s surprise hit, Palworld, took the world by storm and attracted millions of players. Within hours of its release, this Pokémon-inspired third-person survival game shot up the Steam bestseller charts and reached a record peak in concurrent players.

The survival/crafting game offers a vibrant open world populated by Pals and different biomes. Players are encouraged to capture all of these creatures and fill their Paldeck. All that before building a base and putting those Pals to work.

On top of all that, the game also features boss encounters, dangerous dungeons, lots of different resources, and a ton of craftable structures. All this and more is part of the basic Palworld package. However, if old trailers are to be believed, even more content had been imagined for the game.

Player notices missing content from old Palworld trailers

A Reddit post compiling some interesting clips from these old trailers has recently gained popularity. User u/Unhappy_Panic_1875 shared screenshots of features from the game’s preliminary footage, ranging from unique characters to sniper scopes and more.

Here are 20 things that were removed during Palworlds development BUT may be returning byu/Unhappy_Panic_1875 inPalworld

Among the highlights were a seaworthy vessel and a fishing system, both featured in the post. Other notable features included a sort of kingdom in the sky, an enemy lair, and even a battle arena.

Also, there were also screenshots of different functions for the Pals, like the Direhowls pulling carts. We also see Pengullets forming a construction system, and Suzaku carrying other Pals in a cage.

While there’s no way of knowing if any of this was part of a playable version of the game, users were certainly excited. One said: “I didn’t know I wanted to fish, but now I sure do.” Another user said: “I really hope a lot of this stuff comes back especially the carts.”

Others pointed out that the old footage could have been intended as proof-of-concept trailers. This is standard practice during the early marketing phase of modern games. This would mean that the content was primarily concept art that was not intended as a playable feature.

It remains to be seen if any of these features will ever appear in Palworld.

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