PO is discharged from the army today! All members of Block B have graduated from the military, and a group photo of the entire group was released recently. Fans said: “Come back soon.”

(Cover image source: IG@pyojihoon_official)

Today (27th) PO (Pyo Ji-hoon)’s official IG wrote: “Friends, Ji-hoon is finally discharged from the army! I am very proud and happy. We all feel the same way, right? A happy moment.”

The published photo shows the PO wearing a Marine Corps uniform, standing in front of the camera with high spirits.

PO enlisted on March 28 last year and served in the Marine Corps. In June of this year, he said on the YouTube channel “Defense NEWS”that the opportunity to volunteer for the Marine Corps was the wish of his deceased mother. He said: “My mother hoped that I could serve in the military in a cool place, and I want to fulfill her wish.”Wish. PO also said: “The Marine Corps is another challenge. This is a time to develop trust in myself. I am very relieved, my body has become healthier, and my mentality has also changed a lot.”

On the 23rd of this month, in order to celebrate the upcoming retirement of “Maknae”PO, Block B members gathered together as a whole. Fans who saw the group photo also expressed: “Will PO release a new album after he is discharged from the army?”, “It’s great that everyone’s relationship is very good”, “Come back soon! I’m ready”, “PO has become thinner and slimmer So handsome.”Wait.

(Photo source: IG@qkrrud78)

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