Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings Necrozma and Pokemon Fusion Debut

In this guide, you will find all the information about Pokemon fusion in Pokemon GO, specifically focusing on how it relates to Necrozma and its Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings forms.

Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings Necrozma Fusion Debut

Pokemon GO players can look forward to the debut of Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings Necrozma, which are fusions of Necrozma with Solgaleo and Lunala, respectively. These exciting creatures will first appear at the in-person locations for Pokemon GO Fest 2024 (Sendai, Madrid, and New York City) before being available globally.

How Does Pokemon Fusion Work in Pokemon GO?

One of Necrozma’s unique abilities is its ability to fuse with either Solgaleo or Lunala, resulting in Dusk Mane Necrozma or Dawn Wings Necrozma. However, once the fusion is complete, the chosen Solgaleo or Lunala cannot be used until the Pokemon are separated. The advantage of this fusion is that Necrozma will remain in its fused form permanently; unlike Mega Evolution or Primal Reversion, there is no time limit. The Trainer can choose to separate the Pokemon at any time and at no additional cost.

This also implies that combining Necrozma with either Solgaleo or Lunala comes at a price other than absorbing one of the Pokemon. In order to fuse Necrozma, players must expend:

  • 30 Necrozma Candy,
  • 30 Cosmog Candy,
  • Either 1000 Solar Fusion Energy (used in the fusion of Solgaleo to create Dusk Mane Necrozma) or 1000 Lunar Fusion Energy (utilized in the fusion of Lunala to form Dawn Wings Necrozma).

Fused Necrozma’s Moves, Stats, and Shininess

The stats and shininess of Dusk Mane Necrozma and Dawn Wings Necrozma will be the same as the base Necrozma. The stats and shininess of Solgaleo or Lunana will not affect the fused Necrozma. For instance, if a two-star appraised shiny Necrozma is fused with a non-shiny “perfect”Solgaleo, the resulting Dusk Mane Necrozma will also be a shiny two-star. On the other hand, if a non-shiny “perfect”Necrozma is fused with a two-star appraised shiny Lunala, the resulting

Upon fusing with Solgaleo into Dusk Mane form, Necrozma will acquire the Charged Attack Sunsteel Strike. Similarly, fusing with Lunala into Dawn Wings form will grant Necrozma the Charged Attack Moongeist Beam.

Move Name Necrosma Form Move Type Move Category Trainer Battle Power Gym and Raid Battle Power
Sunsteel Strike Dusk Mane Necrozma Steel Charged Attack 135 power 230 power
Moongeist Beam Dawn Wings Necrozma Ghost Charged Attacl 135 power 230 power
Fused Necrozma Charged Attacks

How to Catch Necrozma in Pokemon GO

During the in-person Pokemon GO Fest 2024 event (taking place from May 30 to June 2 in Sendai, Japan; June 14 to 16 in Madrid, Spain; and July 5 to 7 in New York City, USA), trainers will have the opportunity to encounter Necrozma in five-star raids for the first time in Pokemon GO. Additionally, during the Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global event (July 13 and 14), all players will have a chance to encounter the elusive Shiny Necrozma.

On the second day of the 2024 Pokemon GO Fest: Global (July 14), players will have the opportunity to battle and capture Dusk Mane Necrozma and Dawn Wings Necrozma in raids. If successful, players may also encounter a shiny variant of Necrozma during these raids.

How to Obtain Solar Fusion Energy and Lunar Fusion Energy in Pokemon GO

Players who possess a valid ticket for Pokemon GO Fest 2024 will be granted access to a Special Research that offers a decision-making quest. Depending on their chosen path, they will have the opportunity to acquire sufficient Solar Fusion Energy or Lunar Fusion Energy for the fusion of Necrozma.

During the second day of Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global, all players will have the opportunity to acquire Solar Fusion Energy by participating in Dusk Mane Necrozma raids, and obtain Lunar Fusion Energy by defeating Dawn Wings Necrozma raids, amounting to a total of 483 characters. This event will take place on July 14.

How to Obtain Cosmog, Solgaleo, and Lunala in Pokemon GO

You already possess Necrozma, as well as Solar or Lunar Fusion Energy—all that remains is either Solgaleo or Lunala. In previous Special Research events, players were given the chance to encounter Cosmog (the pre-evolution of Solgaleo and Lunala). If you were unable to participate in those events, there is no need to worry. On July 14, Day 2 of Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global, there will be a complimentary Special Research quest that includes an encounter with Cosmog. This Special Research will be available to all players, not just those with an event ticket.

Cosmog can evolve into Cosmoem by consuming 25 Cosmog Candy. To further evolve into either Solgaleo or Lunala, Cosmoem requires 100 Cosmog Candy during the daytime or at night, respectively.

Players who possess an event ticket should be on the lookout, as their Special Research will involve an encounter with either Solgaleo or Lunala, depending on the quest option they choose.

To obtain additional Cosmog Candy for fusing your Necrozma or evolving your Cosmoem, make sure to participate in Dusk Mane or Dawn Wings Necrozma raids. Aside from the typical rewards, encountering Necrozma and receiving either Solar or Lunar Fusion Energy, these raids also grant Cosmog Candy upon successful completion.

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