Pokémon Go Global Challenge rewards are exceptional

Pokémon Go developer Niantic has revealed the rewards for the Global Challenge, including some wild spawns and available exclusive attacks.

Global Challenges are a perfect way to allow the Pokémon Go community to come together to help complete a task as one. Sure, they can be a little difficult, and some timers can seem a little confusing – but they’re still worth exploring, especially when you consider the rewards.

Now, with one challenge completed, Niantic has revealed the current rewards for Lunar New Year: Dragons Unleashed in Global Challenges, featuring all the wild spawns and exclusive attacks a Pokémon Go player could want.

Niantic confirms exceptional Pokémon Go Global Challenge rewards

A user shared the rewards on Reddit, revealing how many exclusive attacks and wild spawns players can expect to see.

Global Challenge wild spawns and exclusive moves have been revealed! byu/joaco_ds inTheSilphRoad

Luckily, players were excited to see the rewards, with some commenting that “Garchomp fans are spoiled with earth power.”

However, not everyone thought the rewards were worth it, with some finding them “disappointing”and pointing out that “the wild spawns are just meh, some cool stuff but things that really should have been there from the start.”The attacks are cool though. I’m surprised to see Drattak with Anger. Pleasantly surprised.”

With the Lunar New Year Global Challenge: Dragons Unleashed completed, players can expect to see more of these Pokémon, and exclusive attacks through rewards. These awards include:

Wild Apparitions:

  • Draby
  • Drakkarmin
  • Kraknoix
  • Grunting
  • Ptyranidur
  • Tylton
  • Hexadron
  • Solochi

Exclusive Attacks:

  • Carchacrok: Telluriforce
  • Libégon: Telluriforce
  • Altaria: Lunar Power
  • Drattak: Anger
  • Noivern: Sonic Bang

Fortunately, these rewards will be active until the end of the Lunar New Year: Dragons Unleashed event, so you have until February 11, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. local time, to capture these Pokémon in the wild and get some exclusive attacks for their pocket monsters.

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