Pokémon Go player blames a Qwilfish for ruining a Gym

A Pokémon Go trainer criticized another fan for sending a Qwilfish to a Gym, ruining the aesthetic other fans had tried to create.

As Pokémon Go fans know, Trainers who come across Gyms controlled by their Team can subdue their own Pokémon to help protect it from opposing Teams.

Sometimes, trainers on the same team will anonymously coordinate their submissions to the Arena, creating small themes in the Arena, often for the amusement of other players.

Unfortunately, sometimes these themes don’t always go as planned, as one trainer discovered because of another player and his “stupid Qwilfish.”

Pokémon Go Arena aesthetic ruined by a Qwilfish

A post on the Pokémon Go subreddit amused the community after a trainer created a thread titled, “That Stupid Quilfish.”

this stupid quilfish.. byu/katpats inpokemongo

The trainer explained that the trainer had “ruined the palette” and joked that they would “reap what they sow.” The author included screenshots from the Gym showing that each submission featured bright pink Pokémon like Lurantis, Aromatisse, and even a shiny Heracross.

Of course, this made the trainer in question’s dark green and tan Qwilfish stick out like a sore thumb, triggering the author’s ire.

Many trainers in the comments defended the submission, like one fan who said, “bahhh the lips are pink,” and another who joked that Qwilfish was “that emo friend.”

Others pointed out that the submission could actually have fit in very well if it was a shiny Qwilfish, which also sports a similar bright pink coloring to Heracross.

On the other hand, some fans in the comments theorized why the trainer subdued the discordant Pokémon. “Deposit by the way! I do this but it’s usually with my Monaflèmit team because I sort by PC instead of recent capture,” one fan guessed.

Of course, others simply don’t care about Themed Arenas. “Good for them, I love ruining Themed Arenas,” said one fan.

With the general lack of communication options in Pokémon Go, it can definitely be difficult to maintain themed Gyms. Maybe the owner of the Qwilfish just needed a few PokéCoins and moved on.

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