Pokémon Go player captures adorable glitch

A glitch in the world of Pokémon Go caused a Judokrak and a few Machoc to appear a little too close, accidentally creating a touching scene.

It’s no secret that Pokémon Go has some glitches.

While some glitches can be frustrating or cause big problems for players, most are just simple visual quirks that, while strange, don’t actually impact gameplay. Sometimes they can even be quite cute.

During the still-ongoing Furious Battles event, which makes Fighting-type Pokémon more common, a player spotted a surprisingly mild glitch that turned an unsuspecting Judokrak into a father of two.

Pokémon Go Player Finds Judokrak “Single Dad” and His “Children” Machoc

The adorable screenshot was shared by Reddit user Bugsitter, who noted that she looked like “a single dad with two kids.”

a single dad with two kids🫡 byu/bugsitter inpokemongo

The Judokrak’s posture also caused the player to note “he looks like he’s about to tell them to jump on me”- hopefully just in a playful way.

Although unintentional, the idea of ​​a Judokrak taking two Machoc under his wing and raising them as his sons is pretty adorable. Both species being of the Fighting type, Judokrak certainly has knowledge to pass on to his children.

Of course, these types of visual glitches aren’t new to Pokémon Go, although they’re generally not that healthy. Most involve fusions of Pokémon mixing into hilarious or unholy abominations, such as a bizarre fusion between Ixon/Gourmelet and an Axoloto that has inexplicably grown arms.

Others have put Pokémon in rather unfortunate positions that, if intentional, would certainly increase the age rating for Pokémon Go.

Those hoping to find their own Judokrak or Machoc will want to play during Furious Fights, which runs until January 24. During this time, players will be able to capture both Judokrak and his counterpart Karaclea – which are usually regional exclusives – no matter where they live.

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