Pokémon Go players harshly criticize Dragons Unleashed event

Pokémon Go players are frustrated with the spawn rate during the Lunar New Year: Dragons Unleashed event due to a severe lack of Dragon-type Pokémon.

There was a time when Dragon-type Pokémon were among the rarest in the series, which made their appearance all the more impressive, especially since they were very powerful and had few weaknesses against other types.

Over time, Dragon-type Pokémon have become more numerous, and they have acquired more weaknesses and counterattacks, so that they are no longer as threatening as before, although certain Dragon types have dominated the game. competitive scene for a long time.

Dragon-type Pokémon are particularly common in Pokémon Go, with the promise of many of them this February as part of Lunar New Year: Dragons Unleashed. Unfortunately, the promise of the dragons was not quite kept.

Pokémon Go players want more dragons in the dragon event

A user on the Pokémon Go Reddit shared an image showing their screen and its distinct lack of dragons during the Lunar New Year event, although Minidraco, Venalgue, Sonistrelle, and Babycaille are all expected to appear.

Ah yes. The dragon event. The event chosen to feature Dragons. The event specifically for Dragons. That event?? byu/YayaGabush inpokemongo

He wasn’t the only player to have bad luck, as another Pokémon Go Reddit user shared an unlucky photo of their screen, filled with Magikarp, Caratroc, and a few other random Pokémon during the Dragon-type event.

A user on Reddit from The Silph Road also shared their lack of encounters with Dragon-type Pokémon during the event, with the exception of the Promised Dragonfly which will appear in Raids.

It’s worth mentioning that some of the Pokémon for this event were chosen for their colors, since red and yellow are dominant colors during Lunar New Year 2024. This is why Pokémon like Vulpix, Magikarp, and Caratroc are part of the event despite no connection to dragons.

It’s not like Dragon-type Pokémon are rare in Pokémon Go, given how many have been added over the years. It’s just that they’ve been kept rare, even in events where they’re supposed to be common.

The problem is that they’re a little too rare, and players are getting tired of scanning a sea of ​​hopping Magikarp, all hoping to capture a single Dragon-type Pokémon during the Year of the Dragon.

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