Pokémon Go players team up to get Courrousinge

In light of the imminent arrival of Courrous Monkey, Pokémon Go players have discovered some key techniques for unlocking the future Pokémon.

Now that the highly anticipated arrival of Courrousinge is near in Pokémon Go, many players are starting to prepare for its arrival. Especially given that you have to complete a few tasks to get your hands on the future pocket monster.

Luckily, despite the challenges and requirements of getting Courrousinge, the Pokémon Go community has come together and figured out a few key techniques to help fans get it as soon as they can.

Pokémon Go players discover a key technique for obtaining Courrousinge

Sharing his discovery on Reddit, one user started the discussion, explaining how “Colossus’ evolution requires beating 30 Psychic or Ghost-type Pokémon while he’s your Buddy Pokémon,”which may be a bit difficult for some.

A call to the community byu/SSBGOGETA66 inpokemongo

They went on to explain how they think the best method for this will be with Gyms, suggesting “to help each other out, let’s try putting Psychic and Ghost-type Pokémon in Gyms. If we have a full team of these guys in an arena, that will give you a credit of 18 (6 Pokémon * 3 defeats for a KO). So with two arenas, you can instantly satisfy the evolution requirement.”

This idea is fantastic and will allow the community to come together to help everyone obtain the Pokémon they want.

Others jumped into the comments to offer their own ideas on how fans can accomplish this task: “Also, friendly fights could work where one can send in 3 weak psychic or wraith types for an easy grind. ” Although it is not yet known whether friendly fights will count, it is certainly worth a try.

Likewise, one fan wondered “if PvP counts for this. If so, you could theoretically beat White’s Metagross in Master League Training over and over again,” essentially grinding your way through the challenge.

Either way, if the community comes together to add Ghost and Psychic-types to Arenas around the world, it will be a fantastic sight to see and will benefit so many players in their quest for Courrousing.

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