Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Shiny Sandwiches: All Recipes for Sparkling Power 3

In the game Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, the most effective method for increasing the chances of encountering Shiny Pokemon is by using Shiny sandwiches infused with Sparkling Power 3. To make this task easier, here is a list of all the Shiny sandwich recipes that can be found in the game to aid in your search for Shiny Pokemon.

In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, shiny hunting has become even more convenient with the addition of overworld Shinies, an easily attainable Shiny charm, and a new method that significantly increases the chances of encountering a shiny Pokemon.

This innovative approach involves making sandwiches. Surprisingly, players have the ability to create unique sandwiches while hosting a picnic, which enhances their chances of encountering a shiny.

However, due to the vast amount of ingredients available to players, finding these Shiny sandwich recipes can be quite difficult. Fortunately, this guide is here to help by providing players with the simplest methods for creating sandwiches infused with Sparkling Power 3.

Table of Contents

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Shiny Rates

Base Odds 1 1/4096
Shiny Charm 3 1/1365.67
Sparkling Power 3 4 1/1024.38
Sparkling Power 3 + Shiny Charm 6 1/683.08
Sparkling Power 3 + Shiny Odds + 60 Cleared Outbreak 8 1/512.44

All Shiny Sandwiches with any Herba Mystica

Trainers who farm for Herba Mystica may already know that it can be challenging to accumulate specific types. Fortunately, the following table can help with this dilemma. These recipes call for more ingredients, but they do not require a particular Herba Mystica, making them easier to obtain.

The recipes were uncovered by SilentDestroyerSR, and they adhere to a particular formula.

  1. Use one Cucumber and one Pickle.
  2. Choose two Herba Mystica.
  3. Use the three necessary ingredients for the desired type.
Normal Tofu
Fire Red Pepper
Water Cucumber
Electric Yellow Pepper
Grass Lettuce
Ice Klawf Stick
Fighting Pickle
Poison Green Bell Pepper
Ground Also
Flying Prosciutto
Psychic Onion
Bug Cherry Tomato
Rock Bacon
Ghost Red Onion
Dragon Avacado
Dark Smoked Fillet
Steel Hamburger
Fairy Tomato
pokemon scarlet violet shiny sandwich

The Sparkling Power 3, Title Power 3, and Encounter Power 3 combinations are guaranteed. However, there are a few exceptions to keep in mind when creating your Shiny sandwiches:

  • It is not recommended to combine x1 Sweet and x1 Sour.
  • x2 Sweet is ineffective against Normal, Water, Fighting, Bug, Dragon, and Fairy Pokémon.
  • The x2 Sour option is ineffective for Normal, Ice, Bug, Ghost, Dragon, and Fairy types.

All Shiny Sandwiches with specific Herba Mystica

The sandwich recipes, which yield Sparkling Power 3, Encounter Power 3, and Title Power 3, were discovered by TTiN and tested by Austin John Plays. These recipes call for two specific Herba Mystica and one additional ingredient.

The combinations are as follows:

Bug Cherry Tomatoes Salty x 2
Dark Smoked Fillet Salty & Sweet
Dragon Avacado Salty x 2
Electric Yellow Bell Pepper Salty & Spicy
Fairy Tomato Salty x 2
Fighting Pickles Salty x 2
Fire Basil Salty & Sweet
Flying Ham Salty x 2
Ghost Red Onion Salty x 2
Grass Lettuce Salty & Sour
Ground Also Salty x 2
Ice Klawf Stick Salty x 2
Normal Chorizo Salty x 2
Poison Noodles Salty x 2
Psychic Onion Salty x 2
Rock Jalapeno Salty x 2
Steel Burger Salty & Sweet
Water Cucumber Salty x 2
Sparkling Power Scarlet & Violet guide

Academy Special All-Type Sparkling Sandwich

The Academy Special All-Type Sparkling Sandwich was unveiled as the ultimate Shiny sandwich recipe in the second part of the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC.

The key aspect of this addition is that players can easily obtain the new recipe without needing any Herba Mystica. They can simply purchase it from the chef at the Blueberry Academy’s Cafeteria for 150 BP. The recipe possesses the following characteristics:

  • Level 1 Egg Power: Enhances the likelihood of discovering Eggs while on a picnic.
  • Sparkling Power (Lvl. 1): Increases the chance of encountering Shiny Pokemon in the wild.
  • Catching Power (Lvl. 2): Increases your overall catch rates.

To gain access to the Academy Special All-Type Sparkling Sandwich, players must obtain The Indigo Disk DLC and make their way to the Blueberry Academy. For those who are unfamiliar with the expansion, Blueberry Quests are available to earn Blueberry Points (BP) in order to stock up on sandwiches.

Getting Herba Mystica in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Although certain ingredients may vary in these recipes, there is one requirement that remains consistent: the use of two Herba Mystica per sandwich. However, unlike the rest of the sandwich components, players are unable to purchase these at a store.

Instead, players must participate in five and six-star Tera Raid battles to potentially obtain Herba Mystica as a reward. These five-star raids are accessible after completing the main story, while the six-star raids become available after completing the post-game story.

herba mystica drop from tera raid

Despite this, successfully defeating a high-level Tera Raid battle does not guarantee the acquisition of any Herba Mystica. This means that players may have to participate in numerous raids in order to obtain enough Herba Mystica for their shiny hunting pursuits. Alternatively, there is a possibility of being fortunate enough to receive multiple Herba Mystica drops from a single raid.

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