Recruiting Hogan in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

This guide provides instructions on completing Hogan’s trading post quest and recruiting him in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.

Recruiting Hogan in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

In order to recruit Hogan in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, you must first speak to him and then earn a minimum of 50,000 baqua through trading post transactions. It is important to note that only profits made after speaking to Hogan and starting his recruitment quest will count towards recruiting him. Any profits made before speaking to him will not count.

Considering this, there are two approaches to take in order to continue with Hogan’s recruitment mission:

Making a Profit at Trading Posts

Screenshot by Prima Games

Once you have a conversation with Hogan in Twinhorne West, the game will begin monitoring your trading post profits. Hogan’s requirement for joining your team is that you make a profit of 50,000 baqua, which may be confusing as each trading post has its own set of buying and selling prices.

The table below provides a comprehensive list of recommended items to purchase at specific trading posts and their corresponding prices. It also includes the optimal selling location for each item to maximize profits.

Item to Buy Location to Buy Price to Buy At (in Baqua) Location to Sell
Diamond Werne VillageImpershi’arc Lower than 5,000 Ardinale City
Rug Werne VillageTreefolk Village Hishahn Lower than 1,347 Impershi’arc
Hot Spring Black Egg Werne VillageHishahn Lower than 400 Treefolk Village
Silk Werne Village Lower than 875 Twinhorne East
Chen Rock Tea Werne Village Lower than 700 Hishahn
Tanned Leather Werne VillageTreefolk Village Lower than 500 Impershi’arc
Perfume Treefolk Village Hishahn Ardinale City Lower than 373 Twinhorne East
Corn Treefolk Village Lower than 200 Impershi’arc
Rock Salt Treefolk Village Hishahn Lower than 124 Impershi’arc
Glassware Treefolk Village Ardinale City Lower than 400 Impershi’arc
Black Pepper Treefolk Village Lower than 250 Ardinale City
Wine Treefolk Village Lower than 360 Athrbalt
Pink Coral Hishahn Impershi’arc Ardinale City Lower than 1,212 Treefolk Village
Crystal Ore Hishahn Lower than 670 Treefolk Village
Pearl Hishahn Lower than 2,400 Athrbalt
Foreign Clothes Hishahn Lower than 2,355 Ardinale City
Painting Impershi’arc Ardinale City Lower than 2,250 Twinhorne East
Kimono Impershi’arc Lower than 4,667 Ardinale City
Tar Stone Impershi’arc Lower than 800 Athrbalt
Carving Ardinale City Lower than 2,500 Impershi’arc
Leather Clothes Ardinale City Lower than 1,000 Werne Village
War Scroll Ardinale City Lower than 3,333 Hishahn
Trading Post Buying and Selling Locations in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

Hogan’s dialogue will reflect the progress towards the goal in a general manner, but there is no in-game feature that displays the exact profits. If you wish to monitor the precise figures, you will need to do so independently outside of the game.

Do Not Trust the Arrows

Screenshot by Prima Games

At trading posts, you may notice both upward and downward arrows next to certain items. These arrows do not necessarily indicate a good deal or a guaranteed profit. Instead, they simply show that the item is either priced higher or lower than usual for the specific location you are in. For example, an item that typically sells for 800 baqua may have downward arrows if it is currently on sale for 500 baqua, but you may still find it for 300 baqua with upward arrows at another location where it is regularly priced at 200 baqua.

It is important to remember that selling an item for a lower price than what you bought it for will set back your progress towards achieving Hogan’s goal. For instance, if you have earned 45,000 baqua in profit but then sell an item at a loss of 500 baqua, you will now need to make a profit of 5,500 baqua (instead of just 5,000) to compensate for the loss. The 50,000 baqua profit is the minimum requirement at the trading posts to recruit Hogan and it must be strictly adhered to.

A Faster (and Cheesier) Method to Recruit Hogan

To manipulate the system, purchase items from trading posts prior to talking to Hogan. This will trigger the 50,000 baqua profit goal once you speak to him. The game does not take into account the amount spent on purchases before speaking to Hogan, so you can resell all your items and claim it as profit. If you acquire at least 14 Diamonds in Werne for approximately 1,200 baqua each, speak to Hogan, and then resell them for at least 5,000 baqua each in Ardinale City, you will easily reach the 50,000 profit goal. Keep in mind that you may need to make multiple trips as the trading posts have limited inventory, but they will restock over time.

After Hogan joins your group, you can begin recruiting another character named Reid through a challenging quest.

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