Red Velvet’s Irene Sparks Internet Frenzy with Her Unexpected Reaction to Smoking Staff

Red Velvet’s Irene Sparks Internet Frenzy with Her Unexpected Reaction to Smoking Staff

Despite her previous controversies, Red Velvet’s Irene has once again caught the public’s eye, this time for her outspoken stance on smoking. A 2016 incident has recently resurfaced and gained widespread attention.

Backstage photos have surfaced which clearly show Irene expressing her disapproval as a male staff member lit up a cigarette and smoked in front of the group members.

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While getting ready for their performance, Irene of Red Velvet noticed a man smoking and her discomfort was clearly visible on her face.

Red Velvet Irene
Red Velvet Irene(Photo : pann.nate)

Despite his continued smoking, he attempted to conceal the cigarette behind his back. Irene initially gave him a sharp glare, but soon escalated her reaction by covering her nose and mouth, indicating her clear displeasure.

Red Velvet Irene
Red Velvet Irene(Photo : pann.nate)

Despite the incident, Irene received immediate support from fans who commended her for taking a stand against smoking in public. They sympathized with her and condemned the man’s disrespectful actions.

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In South Korea, discussions about smoking have been brought up again following the revelation that several idols have been smoking both indoors and outdoors. This has once again sparked interest in Irene’s viral reaction.

A discussion about the incident on Pann has generated over 105,000 views and received hundreds of comments and likes.

Upon viewing Irene’s reaction, netizens found it to be both humorous and admirable. Here are a few of the remarks posted on Pann:

  • “Irene is so refreshing because she doesn’t hold back and openly shows her frustration towards people who lack common sense.”
  • “Oh, the picture is hilarious, lol. But I can totally understand Irene’s feelings. I really hate it when people smoke in non-smoking areas.”
  • “Those who smoke in non-smoking areas really deserve to get punched.”
  • “It would be great if it were legal to punch guys who smoke right in front of you. Please, make it happen.”
  • “Oh my god, Irene’s reaction is so freaking funny, lol. Seriously, it should be legal to punch people who smoke in front of non-smokers.”

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