On May 7 (Korean time), Stray Kids, a popular boy group, made history as the first K-pop group to attend the prestigious MET Gala. Despite their groundbreaking appearance, the group faced offensive comments from reporters on the red carpet, implying racial discrimination.
Despite Stray Kids’ leader Bang Chan handling the situation well, fans were outraged and took to social media to express their frustration. Some even went as far as to hack the X account of one of the disrespectful reporters.
Additionally, Stray Kids have received support from international media outlets like Rolling Stone and Billboard.
In a recent article, Rolling Stone UK has publicly criticized disrespectful photographers while also commending Bang Chan for his “dad mode”behavior.
#StrayKids ready for their first #MetGala pic.twitter.com/2NNTbUL02i
— Tommy Hilfiger (@TommyHilfiger) May 7, 2024
“Rolling Stone reported that Chan fully embraced his dad role by leading the red carpet interview with Tommy Hilfiger and handling disrespectful photographers in a gracious manner at the event. This earned him praise from Stray Kids fans as he gathered his fellow group members to enjoy the rest of the evening.”
At the 2024 MET Gala, host TETRIS from Billboard News expressed criticism towards the photographers for their rude and racist behavior. He specifically called out their use of Japanese to communicate with a K-pop group.
Jennie reunites with Rosé, Stray Kids make history as the first full K-pop group to walk the #MetGala carpet and RM teased his new song, “Come back to me.”#BillboardNews pic.twitter.com/5CDU1pRsyg
— billboard (@billboard) May 7, 2024
It appears that international media outlets are actively standing up for Stray Kids in response to the disrespectful remarks.
According to Krb, X and Rolling Stone, Tommy Hilfiger shared an exclusive look of Stray Kids at the Met Gala.
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