Silent Hill 2 Remake Complete Walkthrough: Unlock All Endings and Achievements

Silent Hill 2 Remake Complete Walkthrough: Unlock All Endings and Achievements

Bloober Team’s reimagination of the horror legend, Silent Hill 2 Remake, presents players with a blend of familiar and new enigmas and fears as James embarks on his descent into the eerie town. This comprehensive guide aims to assist you with the myriad of objectives, puzzles, and hidden secrets that await you in the game.

Silent Hill 2 Remake Story Walkthrough

Disclaimer: Please note that this guide is continually being updated as we progress through the game’s narrative. Expect timely revisions, so don’t forget to return regularly.

This walkthrough is tailored for the Standard difficulty level for both Combat and Puzzles. If you’re playing on a different difficulty, some item locations, such as health drinks and ammo, might differ, along with puzzle solutions.

Observation Area and the Cemetery

Following the unforgettable opening scene, familiarize yourself with James’s controls, and retrieve your initial Map from the driver’s seat of his vehicle. While navigating the Observation Area, if you venture down the road away from Silent Hill, you can promptly unlock the ‘No Turning Back’ achievement.

Well Save Point in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Descend the stairs at the far end of the Observation Area and embark on your extended, fog-laden trek towards Silent Hill. Eventually, you will encounter a well glowing with red light. Approach it to find a vibrant red square indicating your first Manual Save Point (henceforth known as “Red Save Points”). Collect and utilize as many of these as feasible throughout your journey.

Keep heading down the main road until you arrive at a church adjacent to a cemetery, where you’ll first encounter Angela Orosco. Shy and bewildered, she mentions searching for her mother, father, and brother, but shares little more. Post-cutscene, feel free to investigate the surroundings, but note that no items can be found in this area. You can engage with Angela multiple times for additional dialogue if desired.

Silent Hill Ranch

Exit the cemetery and continue along the main path leading you through Silent Hill Ranch. After completing the game at least once, a unique weapon (the Chainsaw) will appear near a white pickup truck laden with logs, enabling you to earn the ‘Lumberjack’ achievement.

Auto Parts shop in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Proceed until you hit a considerable barricade blocking the road with a locked small door. Nearby, you’ll find an Auto Parts Shop (as depicted above) with its gate open. Enter the shop and veer left around the building to leap through an open window. Inside, locate a lit desk; the drawer contains the Auto Parts Key crucial for unlocking the previously mentioned door.

Continue straight ahead until you encounter a recognizable (for returning players) spot beneath an overpass, littered with fencing and broken wood. While it isn’t accessible, it allows for interaction, counting as a Glimpse of the Past easter egg. Collecting all of these in one run grants you the ‘Echoes’ achievement.

Turn left under the overpass’s open area and proceed through the gate straight ahead, leading you onto Witse Road (according to your map) and into the heart of Silent Hill.

Entering Silent Hill

James finds a map in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Upon arriving at Sanders Street, a cutscene will trigger revealing James discovering a more detailed town map located beneath a sign. This newly acquired map covers both the western and eastern segments of the town and showcases all significant landmarks from a bird’s-eye view.

Initially, head into the nearby Flower Shop to grab the Flower Shop Message (one of many memos needed for the ‘Archivist’ achievement) from the front counter. Besides a blood stain on the floor, there’s little else to find inside, so leave and follow Sanders Street southward until you encounter a prominent blood trail leading north up Lindsey Street. Other routes remain blocked by giant barricades for the time being, so follow the trail.

Alley path in Silent Hill 2 remake
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Another cutscene displays a peculiar figure moving in the distance ahead of James, urging you to pursue it. Maintain your course, following the blood stains toward a haunting side path on the left between two structures (as shown above). Traverse the alley and follow the unsettling sounds until reaching a garage with a broken entrance where you can crawl inside.

Activate the nearby Red Save Point on the wall, then turn right into the kitchen. Retrieve a Health Drink from one of the drawers and move down the hallway to the door on your left. Follow the radio static until you can enter the adjacent room on your right. Here, you’ll find a Radio resting on an armchair. Picking it up triggers a cutscene featuring James confronting the previously seen figure, which transforms into a hostile creature known as a Lying Figure.

Radio location in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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You’ll experience your first encounter with the game’s battle mechanics, allowing you to Attack and Dodge (via the designated buttons). Utilize the Wooden Plank James picks up from the window to strike at the Lying Figure while you manage its physical and acid assaults. Maintain the offensive until you knock it to the floor, then use the same Attack command to Stomp it until it ceases movement.

Proceed through the house until you discover a gap in the wall that you can crawl through. Open the first aid kit resting on the desk on your right to find a Syringe (a potent health item), then shatter the window straight ahead with your plank to make your escape. Following a cutscene, you’ll be positioned on Martin Street. Interact with the bloodied body on the ground to retrieve a Matchbook from Neely’s Bar, your next destination.

Big Jay’s Cafe, Music Shop, and Neely’s Bar

Big Jay's cafe in Silent Hill 2 remake
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At this stage, various monsters become active around Silent Hill, so stay vigilant, choose your encounters wisely, and conserve your health items.

First, head north on Neely and smash the windows of a nearby police car to gather your first supply of Handgun Bullets, which will be essential later. When you arrive at the I Love Groovy Music Shop (noteworthy for its wind chimes), take a brief detour to the alley directly across for a Health Drink on a table. Be cautious of a few Bug monsters lurking on the ground back there.

Broken Vinyl Record item in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Once inside, you’ll find half of a broken vinyl record on a turntable, waiting to be played. Interact with it to add it to your inventory. Now, combine it with the Vinyl Glue along with the other half of the Broken Vinyl Record to create the Glued Vinyl Record, titled “The Long Way Home”.

Jukebox puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Next, configure the jukebox to play the record by manipulating the three colored parts: blue, red, and green. Your primary task is to connect the red portion to the green one, allowing it to shift away from the blue part, which you need to push down.

Once achieved, press the green component to extend the track for placing the Glued Vinyl Record. The mechanism will elevate, prompting you to press the correct buttons to initiate playback. However, you’ll notice the ‘2’ button is absent, requiring you to find a Coin before proceeding. For now, step away from the jukebox.

Happy Burger and Saul Street Apartments

Happy Burger in Silent Hill 2 remake
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Proceed toward the Saul Street Apartments. Optionally, visit Happy Burger on the way, but be warned—there are three Lying Figures lurking inside and around. You will find a Health Drink on the table near the window and a Syringe (located in the kitchen area) being guarded by one of the monsters. If you’re unsure about engaging in combat or evading, I recommend simply grabbing the Health Drink now and moving on.

Saul Street Apartments map in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Before proceeding, turn left at the stairwell and go through the cracked door on your left, directly opposite Apartment 3, leading to the Green Pharmacy. Inside, you can find a Syringe in a first aid kit on a table to your right.

There are no items to recover here, so continue through the next wall gap that leads to the hallway adjacent blocked by debris. Climb through the open window onto the balcony, ascend the fire escape stairs until you spot another open window on the top far right. Jumping through it will cause the fire escape to collapse behind you, preventing your return.

Saul apartment bathroom hole in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Make your way to the door adjacent to the bathroom. A cutscene will unfold where James attempts to open a chained door, only to be met with a horrendous smell and finds his hand stained with a black substance from the doorknob. Now, enter the adjoining bathroom where there’s a large hole in the wall (as seen above). Interact with it to ‘investigate’ (with grotesque sounds included) until James retrieves the missing ‘2’ button for the jukebox.

Head out onto the rooftop from the nearby door, where you’ll notice a ladder ahead. The door to your right leading to another indoor stairwell is completely ruined, leaving you with no choice but to descend the ladder, which lands you in the building’s refuse area. Exit through the door that was locked from the other side.

Grand Market, Texan Cafe, and back to Neely’s Bar

Grand Market in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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You still require the Coin for the jukebox, so don’t venture back to Neely’s Bar just yet. Instead, head past it up Neely Street until you uncover an open alleyway that grants access to the Grand Market through a back door. This door requires a code, which is ‘4444’ (Standard Puzzle difficulty). Inside, you’ll be glad to discover four Health Drinks and two boxes of Handgun ammo, making this detour worthwhile.

Turn right onto Katz Street, then run straight to the Texan Cafe located at the far end by the substantial barricade. Access the unlocked side door leading to the register behind the counter. Use the key already within the register along with the bottom button to open the drawer, from which you can retrieve a Neely’s Bar Coin. Be cautious, as a Lying Figure will ambush you once you do. Now that you possess all the necessary items, make your way back to Neely’s Bar.

Insert the Neely’s Bar Coin into the jukebox and press the ‘C’ and ‘2’ buttons to finally get the record playing. A familiar tune plays as James undergoes a disjointed flashback. Upon completion (or break, rather), the jukebox ejects the Neely’s Bar Key, which can be used on the nearby locked door.

As you pass through the door, immediately turn to your right. There’s a crawlspace high up on the wall, which you’ll need to use the cart blocking the path to access. Push it against the wall, then climb up and through.

Inside, grab a Health Drink from the first aid cabinet on the wall, and then enter the adjacent room to take the Back Room Letter from a desk, which notes that you need to locate a green-blue car with a license plate ending in ’06’ nearby. Leave through the back door that introduces you to another alley area crowded with vehicles.

The only car with something of worth is the bright green one on your right at the intersection with Martin Street. Sitting in the driver’s seat is a Health Drink. Head back and keep going toward the question mark on your map that James has drawn. Going through the barricade door will lead you to the abandoned green-blue car, situated right next to a pile of bloody clothing.

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Interact with it, prompting James to pull out a Wood Side Apartments Key, just as he is ambushed by several Lying Figures. Fighting them off isn’t viable, so look for a means of escape through the adjacent alley (the door you originally entered will be locked, so don’t attempt). This route will lead you back to Katz Street, where you’ll need to navigate around more Lying Figures to maintain your health.

Wood Side Apartments (Floor 1)

Map for Woodside Apartments in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Enter the lobby and collect the apartment building map from the bulletin board on the wall. The map outlines the layout of the Wood Side Apartments 1F-3F and you can switch through each floor using the designated button. Next, use the Red Save Point to your left while in the lobby office. Enter the room beyond it and search the cabinet on your immediate right for Handgun Ammo.

Covered under a sheet on the opposite side of the room, James will discover a peculiar cabinet, which will serve as the next puzzle needing resolution. You’ll have to locate special coins to slot into the indentations, so we will return to that later.

Currently, all other doors on the first floor are locked, so make your way upstairs to the second floor (2F).

Woodside Apartments (Floor 2) – Flashlight

Mary's Dress and a flashlight in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Most of the second floor is currently off-limits, except for the apartments to your right. The door to Apartment 202 stands ajar, inviting you in. An unusually bright light flashes from the living room, revealing a mannequin wearing Mary’s clothes, with a Flashlight tucked into it. Before you take it, check the kitchen area for a Health Drink tucked away in one of the cabinets.

Afterward, go and claim the Flashlight, which will become a critical tool moving forward. Be prepared for a new variety of enemies called the Mannequins, which will surprise you behind it, leading to a short quick-time event. Use your plank to dispose of it; despite not spewing acid like the Lying Figures, its physical strikes can be quite damaging, requiring caution. They also prefer ambush tactics and can mislead your radio by remaining motionless.

Once you’ve dealt with it, obtain the Chute Courtyard Key from a nearby dresser, then exit the apartment.

Climb up the stairs past the third floor (which remains locked) until reaching a dead end where you’ll find more Handgun Ammo resting on a small table. Return all the way back down to the first floor.

Chute Courtyard and a Strange Girl

Chute Courtyard in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Use the Chute Courtyard Key on the door left of the janitorial bathroom to access an inner courtyard featuring the main trash chute of the building. Take note of an open window situated to the right of the chute and maneuver the nearby handcart over to climb through into Apartment 112.

Upon entering the room immediately to your left, discover Handgun Ammo in a drawer. On a kitchen table to your right, a local news article details the convicted murderer Walter Sullivan. Although it’s not a collectible memo, be sure to remember this name for later. Depart the apartment and take a right down the hall to Apartment 109.

A Mannequin lies in wait beneath the dining table in the living room, be ready to defend yourself. After the confrontation, grab Handgun Ammo located in the nearby bedroom, then exit the apartment. Keep following the hallway around until you unlock a right door leading you to the opposite side of the Chute Courtyard. Continue ahead to see a key lying on the ground, obstructed by bars. Engage with it to start a cutscene.

Golden Hand closet in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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As the young girl kicks the key away and flees, return via the courtyard shortcut back to the lobby area. You will notice that both sides of the first floor are now completely accessible and crawling with monsters, so proceed with caution. Head down the right side first, search for the key you need.

Stop by Apartment 108 and approach the oversized wardrobe in the bedroom adorned with bizarre, hand-shaped handles (as depicted above). Engage with the left hand to turn it downwards and dislodge the Golden Apple Handle. Take it and exit the apartment. Keep moving down the hallway to claim the 2F Hallway Key situated by the bars. Quickly duck into Apartment 107 across the way to grab a Health Drink from the bedroom dresser before retreating.

The door to Apartment 106 is now unlocked, yet is obstructed by a Lying Figure. Defeat it before entering the apartment to obtain additional Handgun Ammo stored in a cabinet in the living room. Continue making your way back toward the left side of the building.

After dispatching more Lying Figures, step inside Apartment 102 and retrieve a labeled picture (memo) sitting near a TV named “Valentine’s Day”. If you flip it over, you’ll find the number ‘4’ inscribed on the back.

Wood Side Apartments (Floor 2) – A Handgun (Finally) and a Red Nightmare

Woodside Apartments second floor key in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Return to the second floor with your newly acquired key and unlock the green double doors on your left, giving you access to the rest of the floor. As you navigate the hallway, a glimpse of a baby carriage in an empty swimming pool can be seen through a gap in the left-side window. Make a mental note of this detail.

Proceed down the corridor and turn right when you spot something glowing red in the distance. Upon closer approach, it becomes evident that the unsettling sight is none other than Pyramid Head, observing James from behind yet another set of bars. Although disconcerting, he remains stationary for the time being, allowing you to backtrack a tad to Apartment 213.

Pyramid Head in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Inside the apartment, search for another Glimpse of the Past spot on the bedroom wall, then explore a gap in the wall near the kitchen leading to the other side of the hallway blocked by a broken door. Proceed to Apartment 217 at the far end after that.

Upon entering, you are met with a living room scattered with bullet holes and shell casings, with a distinctive red shopping cart positioned in the center. Investigate it to uncover a Handgun, marking your second weapon. After this, as you’d expect, the apartment should also contain several pieces of Handgun Ammo scattered throughout. If you’ve diligently amassed rounds leading up to this point, you should possess around 20 or more.

Handgun location in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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After leaving the apartment, return through the wall gap into 213, where a mysterious, blood-soaked figure sits in front of a static television. Engage with it to trigger a cutscene, then take the Apartment 212 Key from a nearby dresser. As you exit the apartment, you’ll find Pyramid Head has vanished. Utilize the key to enter the adjacent apartment.

Inside, take a Health Drink from the kitchen, then head through the door leading to the balcony. Traverse it to the apartment on the opposite side, where you’ll confront a Mannequin and discover more Handgun Ammo in the open refrigerator. Exit the apartment and proceed down the hall, around to the southeast side of the floor. Along the way, step out onto another balcony, activating a lever to lower the fire escape to ground level, providing you with an additional shortcut.

Wood Side Apartments (Floor 2) – Safe Puzzle and North Staircase

Navigate into Apartment 207, where you’ll face a Lying Figure, and find a Mannequin concealed in the bathroom, alongside Handgun Ammo. With 205 inaccessible from the balcony, make your way back to the hallway and into Apartment 208 instead.

Golden Apple Handle puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Inside, you’ll discover yet another imposing wardrobe fitted with golden hands. Approach it and employ the Golden Apple Handle you secured earlier to unlock it. Next to it, interact to tip it over, revealing a hidden room adorned with writing on the walls and a locked safe positioned centrally. As soon as you step inside, the door locks behind you.

To proceed, you’ll need to input a combination into the safe, for which the only clue is found on the written passage on the wall where you entered. The successful combination (for Standard Puzzle difficulty) is ‘right 13’, ‘left 7’, then ‘right 11’. This will unlock the safe, revealing the Man Coin (needed for the Coin puzzle downstairs) and a Steel Key meant for the door on the opposite end of the room (marked with white squares).

Man Coin in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Once escaping the locked room, you’ll be returned to the hallway where the door to Apartment 205 is now wide open. Here, you will find several Bug monsters waiting, a Health Drink positioned in a medicine cabinet, Handgun Ammo in the kitchen, and the 2F Small Staircase Key sitting on the chair in the center of the room.

With the key in your possession, head the full distance back toward the northern staircase on this floor, which is obscured by plastic. Use the 2F Small Staircase Key on it to gain access. Utilize the Red Save Point situated within, then head up to the third floor.

Wood Side Apartments (Floor 3 and 1) – A Maze, Canned Juice, and Eddie

Upon reaching the third floor, make your way straight down the hallway first to retrieve some Handgun Ammo that you’ll find resting on an armchair at the dead end. After that, backtrack and head right until you arrive at another wall gap leading you into Apartment 311 (as illustrated below). Beware of two lurking Mannequins waiting to ambush you nearby.

Woodside apartments third floor in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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On the left side of this apartment, there is a crawlspace containing black residue. Crawl through this area to reach the Laundry Room. Retrieve the Canned Juice pack from the table and drop it into the nearby chute. The weight of the juice will lead to various trash falling through into the Chute Courtyard, which includes a Coin. Collect more Handgun Ammo off a washing machine on your way out.

Taking the north staircase all the way down to the first floor nets you another batch of Handgun Ammo on a box at the bottom. Once you step out into the hallway, eerie gagging sounds draw you to the right. Follow the noise into Apartment 116, where a corpse rests in an open fridge while someone heaves in the bathroom.

Eddie in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Approach it, triggering a cutscene that introduces James to Eddie Dombrowski, who seems noticeably anxious and peculiar. Eddie expresses a desire to escape the town and invites James to join, but receives a polite refusal. After the scene, sift through the apartment for items, and before heading to the pool area, it’s wise to double back to the Chute Courtyard to retrieve the Woman Coin dropped from the chute.

Once equipped with the coin, return to Eddie’s apartment and leap through the window into the pool area, which is swarming with Lying Figures requiring careful navigation. You should only confront enemies when absolutely necessary as you head towards the baby carriage in the pool that contains the Snake Coin. Escape the area by retracing your steps back out and make your way to the lobby office to finally complete the puzzle.

Wood Side Apartments (Floor 1) – Coin Puzzle

Coin Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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To unlock the ornate cabinet in the lobby office, place three special coins (and their counterparts) into their respective slots according to the poem displayed above, which will change over time as you progress. Here’s the complete solution for the puzzle (Standard Difficulty), provided in sequential order:

  1. Insert the Woman Coin into the center slot (Woman’s face up)
  2. Place the Man Coin in the far left slot (Man’s face up)
  3. Flip the Snake Coin to the Flower Side and place it into the far right slot
  4. Flip the Man Coin to the Sword side and shift it to the space left of the center
  5. Slide the Woman Coin one space to the right
  6. Return the Snake Coin to the Snake Side
  7. Alter the Woman Coin to the Gravestone Side
  8. Shift the Man Coin back to the Man Side and revert it back to the center slot

You’ll reach the final stage of this puzzle, which prompts you to choose which coin should be “blamed” (Man, Woman, or Snake). Although there isn’t a wrong choice, be aware that your selection will influence your ending. Completing the puzzle rewards you with the Apartment 201 Key.

Wood Side Apartments (Floor 2) – A Close Call with Pyramid Head and the Otherworld

Pyramid Head in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Return via the main lobby staircase to the second floor and turn to the right to access Apartment 201. Thoroughly explore until you discover a Handkerchief resting on a writing desk, marking the commencement of a notorious cutscene with Pyramid Head and some Mannequins. After it ends, return to the desk and collect the Handkerchief, then move towards the bright red door on the opposite side for another cutscene featuring James physically crossing from one building to another. While it’s technically identified as the Blue Creek Apartments, it’s presented in a version trapped within the Otherworld.

Inside the Otherworld, a seemingly regular environment has been transformed; it’s deteriorated, rusted, and frequently reduced to a grimy core. Take the time to acclimate as you won’t possess a map yet, and head through the nearby blue door. Collect Handgun Ammo from the armchair situated to your right, then veer left and follow the hallway until you acquire a map of Blue Creek Apts 2F-3F.

Blue Creek Apartments in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Keep moving through the corridor until you encounter what appears to be a destructible wall. Utilize your Wooden Plank to smash through and proceed. Retrieve Handgun Ammo from a nearby drawer, continuing your careful traverse to the far side of the apartment. Manage the monsters lurking, collecting more Handgun Ammo from the kitchen area before making an exit into the hallway.

You’ll soon pass the blue door leading to Apartment 202, which is marked with ‘M’ repeatedly etched into it and flanked by dead moths. This door will be revisited later. For now, step into Apartment 212, where you’ll find a Red Save Point and a Grandfather Clock that presents a puzzle. However, you will first need to locate the missing Hour, Minute, and Second hands.

Blue Creek Apartments (Floor 2 and 3) – Cranks, Clocks, and Radios

Navigate out to the balcony, where you’ll face a significant decision. To your right, an orange door with a large ‘H’ scratches across it stands locked. Instead, go left into Apartment 203. Inside, pick up a Syringe from the kitchen, then break down the wall to gain access to 205.

Blue Creek Apartment stairwell in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Retrieve the Handgun Ammo located in the crib on the other side, then continue navigating until you find another open window leading to a balcony. Before proceeding, snag more Handgun Ammo from the adjacent bathroom. Climb the stairs up to the third floor and crawl through the narrow space to land in Apartment 303.

First, explore the kitchen area, where you’ll discover another destructible wall. Beyond it lies the Utility Room, containing Handgun Ammo and a Health Drink. Exit to the main corridor and into Apartment 307, where a large playing music Radio is caged to the ceiling. Collect further Handgun Ammo (you’ll definitely require it shortly) and move to the right room with a Red Crank that is missing a valve.

First, exit through the other doorway in the room leading you to another balcony and back into Apartment 305. The window will seal behind you, compelling you to break open the chained door nearby with the other Red Crank mounted on the wall (shown above). Expect two Lying Figures to attack shortly after; dispose of them quickly.

Explore Apartment 306, collecting as much Handgun Ammo and Health Drinks as possible. Within the living room, you’ll encounter another Red Crank. Engage with it to force the door across the room open, yielding a Valve that breaks off thereafter. Next, return to Apartment 307 and employ the Valve on the wall crank to lower the cage surrounding the Radio.

Hour Hand item in Silent Hill 2 Remake
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Afterward, interact with the Radio to obtain the Hour Hand for the Grandfather Clock. With this in hand, return down the fire escape to Apartment 212 and insert the Hour Hand into the Clock to initiate the first Clock Puzzle.

For this challenge, set the Hour Hand to ‘9’ on the clock, unlocking the nearby orange ‘H’ door.

All Silent Hill 2 Remake Achievements/Trophies

Below is a list of all 43 achievable trophies/achievements in Silent Hill 2 Remake, including 31 hidden ones. Unlocking all will necessitate multiple playthroughs.

Achievement/Trophy How to Unlock
You Made Me Happy Collect all other trophies/achievements in the game.
No Turning Back Now Attempt to exit Silent Hill in the Observation area. (Walk down the opposite road at the game’s start until James turns back.)
Enjoy Your Stay Arrive in Silent Hill.
Nice and Cozy Enter Wood Side Apartments.
Let’s NOT Party! Shoot all balloons in Wood Side Apartments. (Shoot every balloon in the “Welcome Home”apartment; save beforehand to recover any lost bullets.)
Otherworldly Experience the Otherworld for the first time.
Passed Navigate your way out of Blue Creek Apartments.
Uncanny Meet Maria.
All Seems in Order Uncover the mystery of Room 106.
Leftovers Discover the pizza in Pete’s Bowl-O-Rama.
Admitted Reach Brookhaven Hospital.
Nightmare Fuel Defeat the Flesh Lip.
Alone Again. Survive the Chase in Brookhaven Hospital.
Into the Abyss Finish the lengthy staircase.
Unforgivable Eliminate the Abstract Daddy.
Inner Sanctum Locate His Room.
A Human Being Destroy Eddie.
Glimmer of Hope Arrive at the Lakeview Hotel.
Scourge of Toluca Lake Spend 10 minutes outside Toluca Lake.
Truly Special Reach Room 312.
It’s Bread. Interact with bread.
Obsolete Obsolete.
That Part of Me. Vanquish Her.
Lumberjack Acquire the chainsaw.
Merciless Finish off 50 enemies with a stomp attack.
No Big Deal Eliminate 75 enemies with ranged weaponry.
Blunt Force Trauma Dispatch 75 enemies using melee weapons.
You Never Know… Attempt to open locked doors 50 times.
Shattered Break 50 windows.
Making Peace Reach the “Leave”ending.
Vicious Circle Achieve the “Maria”ending.
Only Way Out Attain the “In Water”ending.
Defy Even Death Obtain the “Rebirth”ending.
The Goodest Boi Achieve the “Dog”ending.
Tinfoil Hat Reach the “UFO”ending.
I Saw That Town Finish New Game Plus on any difficulty.
Radio Silence Finish the game without employing the radio.
James of All Trades Defeat at least one enemy with each of the Wooden Plank, Steel Pipe, Handgun, Shotgun, and Rifle in a single playthrough.
Pieces Unarranged Acquire all the Strange Photos in a single playthrough.
Archivist Gather all memos in one full playthrough.
Faster Than Fog Complete the game within 10 hours.
As Close as You Like Finish the game without slaying enemies through ranged weapons.
Party Like It’s 2001 Witness all classic endings (Leave, Maria, In Water, Rebirth, Dog).
Echoes Experience all glimpses from the past in a single playthrough.

All Silent Hill 2 Remake Endings

Disclaimer: This section is under ongoing development as we continue to uncover the unique endings of the game and the requirements to achieve each. Updates will be made promptly, so please check back regularly.


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