Simple Pokemon Go Tip Makes Embarrassing PokeStop Scanning Tasks Stress Free

PokeStop Field Research tasks are often disregarded by Pokemon Go trainers due to their supposedly strange quests, such as scanning a children’s park. However, this straightforward tip can solve this issue once and for all.

Although Field Research tasks offer valuable in-game items for Pokemon Go players to catch Pokemon, receive rewards for participating in Raids and the Go Battle League, and more, many trainers tend to avoid the PokeStop scanning tasks despite their fantastic rewards.

Using your phone to scan public places can often lead to uncomfortable situations, particularly if those around you mistakenly believe they are being filmed. However, there is now a way to complete these tasks without feeling panicked or worried.

The discovery came about when a task assigned to a Reddit user under the username ‘Zendercy42′ required them to ‘Scan Children at the pool,’ a request that both entertained and startled them.

Sorry? Scan WHAT? byu/Zandercy42 inpokemongo

Certain PokeStops in Pokemon Go can be found next to wall paintings in public areas or children’s parks, but scanning them can be more challenging than expected.

Fans described the tasks as “creepy”and acknowledged that they never participate in such quests. Some even expressed concern about appearing “suspicious”and potentially getting arrested while undergoing the scans.

When you are within range to access the scan feature, you can calmly scan the ground in your vicinity by slowly moving the screen, without drawing attention to yourself.

The user’s suggestion was met with gratitude from fellow players, as some were under the impression that they had to scan the exact picture on the PokeStop. These scanning tasks are highly coveted, as they offer valuable items like Poffins and Rare Candy. This straightforward method provides a simple way for everyone to obtain these rewards.

Whether you’re excited about these scanning tasks and have learned tips from other players, or if you simply want to keep an eye on Showcases, you can attempt to find a Kecleon hidden in PokeStops – one of the rarest species in Pokemon Go.

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