SISTAR’s Controversial Comments on Male Idols Surface Following Release of Burning Sun Documentary

As the discussion surrounding Burning Sun continues to gain momentum, numerous netizens have also begun to express concern about male idols in general. As a result, various past comments made by 2nd generation girl group SISTAR have resurfaced.

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In 2016, SISTAR made an appearance on the TV program “Star Show 360″where they offered valuable advice to former I.O.I member Kim So-hye about navigating the entertainment industry.

“The girl group cautioned, ‘Beware of men. As a rookie, male seniors may be persistent in their attention, but not all of them have good intentions. It’s best to isolate yourself and avoid contact with any men.’”

In the case of the Burning Sun scandal, this statement holds particularly true as it was Seungri, a highly renowned male idol in the industry, who held the power and used it to destroy the lives of multiple women through his sexual crimes.

Consequently, there has been an increase in discussions surrounding SISTAR’s comments, as individuals not only express caution towards male idols, but also voice worry about the debut of female idols at younger and more susceptible ages.

The source of this information is X, as reported by Krb.

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