Song Hye-kyo Addresses Negative Comments Following Song Joong-ki’s Family Photo With Stunning Update

In recent times, images of Song Joong-ki taking a stroll with his wife and almost one-year-old son were captured by netizens. The photos depict a happy and affectionate atmosphere within the small family.

Song Joong-ki

The images quickly captured the public’s attention and sparked widespread interest. Amidst positive remarks, numerous individuals also mentioned Song Hye-kyo and even discussed the reasons behind her divorce.

“Many speculate that if Song Hye-kyo had chosen to focus on being a wife and mother, she may have still been by Song Joong-ki’s side. However, it seems that Song Joong-ki’s desire for a complete family was not fulfilled by Song Hye-kyo, as seen in comments on various forums and SNS platforms in China and Korea.”

In spite of being unexpectedly pulled into her ex-husband’s story, Song Hye-kyo confidently silenced all the comments by posting a set of stunning photos of herself at a Chaumet jewelry event in Italy.

song hye kyo

Song Hye-kyo had previously hinted at her attendance at the event by sharing a photo, but this time she went a step further by posting full-body shots. As expected of a top celebrity in the Kbiz industry, her social media update quickly generated buzz on various fan forums, including China’s Weibo and Korea’s Pann Nate, within minutes.

Despite facing criticism for her dress and hairstyle being described as “tacky and outdated”by some, it was unanimously agreed that Song Hye-kyo’s exceptional beauty elevated the outfit and gave it a much more expensive appearance.

Reference: K14

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