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T1 Faker’s explanation for not using Hall of Legends Ahri skin in pro play

T1 Faker’s explanation for not using Hall of Legends Ahri skin in pro play

T1 Faker chose to play as Ahri in a professional LoL match for the first time since the release of his Hall of Legends skin, but ultimately decided not to use it. He provided an explanation for this decision in a post-game interview.

Despite being the ideal candidate for the inaugural Hall of Legends inductee, as stated by League of Legends game director Pu Liu in a post on Twitter (link to post), there is one major issue with choosing Faker: he rarely uses skins.

Faker rarely deviates from his usual skins, whether in professional matches or solo queue. However, there have been a few exceptions, such as when he used his WeT Ryze skin during the Worlds 2016 Grand Finals.

This disconnect has led many League players to suggest that the most accurate way to emulate Faker is by utilizing her base skin, known as the “real Faker Ahri skin.”

As expected, Faker stuck with his tried and tested base skin for his first professional game with Ahri, right after the champion’s release.

Despite players taking different actions to boycott the skin, such as preemptively banning Ahri or intentionally losing if a teammate uses the skin, the community was abuzz when it was noticed that Faker himself did not use his own Ahri cosmetics.

“One Twitter user argued that this is one of the reasons why Faker is included in the Hall of Legends.”

Another person exclaimed, “Are you surprised? This man clearly has morals.”

According to Faker himself, there was no particular reason for him not using the skin. He clarified that he didn’t even consider using a skin during the match.

Given that Faker has only ever used a skin in a publicly broadcasted match a handful of times, it’s not surprising that this answer isn’t particularly astonishing.

Although Faker encouraged his fans to use the Ahri skin, it is uncertain if he will ever use it himself.

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