That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Season 3, Episode 3 – Rimuru Tempest’s Next Plan Revealed

The third episode of season 3 of “That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime”was aired on NTV’s Friday Anime Night programming slot on April 19, 2024, at 11 p.m. JST. The episode featured Rimuru’s return to the Jura Tempest and updates from Benimaru, Gelde, Gabiru, and other characters.

The episode highlighted the refugees’ arrival at Jura Tempest and Rimuru’s decision to utilize the resources of Jura Forest to expand his nation and bring in more people. As in previous episodes, the focus was on world-building, particularly Rimuru’s ambitious plan to develop a thriving and prosperous country.

Highlights of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 3: Rimuru Reunites with His Friends

In the third episode of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3, titled “Peaceful Days,”Rimuru Tempest reunites with Shuna, Benimaru, and Soei. He inquires about Hakuro and learns from Benimaru that he is currently occupied with Geld, investigating Clayman’s castle, managing the war captives, and distributing the spoils of war.

Rimuru inquires with Benimaru about remaining at Jura Tempest given his position as commander. However, the Majin assures him that as the war has concluded, there is no need for him to remain behind.

In episode 3 of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3, it is revealed that Benimaru has entrusted his remaining duties to his vice commander, The Three Beastketeers. Later, Rimuru inquires about Gabiru’s whereabouts.

Shuna in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 episode 3 (Image via 8Bit)
Shuna in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 episode 3 (Image via 8Bit)

Benimaru informs the new Demon Lord that Gabiru has formed an unlikely friendship with Middray, a devoted follower of Milim, and together they are working towards rebuilding after the war. Rimuru comes to the realization that the war holds greater significance beyond mere victory.

During their conversation, Commander Benimaru nonchalantly mentions that Gabiru will be coming back, along with the Three Beastketeers and other allies. This was mainly due to the fact that Milim had destroyed the capital of Eurazania.

As a result, Benimaru and his comrades have chosen to temporarily shelter refugees in the Jura Tempest. This includes not only the Lycanthropes, but also the Majin prisoners who are expected to arrive.

Diablo’s Report to Rimuru: Return to Jura Tempest

Diablo, as seen in the episode (Image via 8Bit Studios)
Diablo, as seen in the episode (Image via 8Bit Studios)

In episode 3 of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3, there is a time-skip of a few days where Diablo informs Rimuru Tempest about the treaty with the Falmuth Kingdom. As part of the war reparation, Diablo gives Rimuru the fifteen hundred stellar that he received from the former king of Falmuth.

Diablo discloses that the bulk of the funds originated from King Edmaris’ treasury. He explains that the royal supporters were aware that without the knights, the nobles would claim all of their possessions regardless. In addition, he predicts that a Civil War is imminent.

Simultaneously, the demon butler updates his master, Rimuru Tempest, that instead of the prince, the king’s brother has been made the ruler. Furthermore, Edmaris has been relocated to the countryside, near the lands of Count Earl Nidol Migan. Rimuru decides to place Edmaris in this area as it is in close proximity to Youm’s band and he believes it will provide adequate protection.

Rimuru and Shion, as seen in the episode (Image 8Bit)
Rimuru and Shion, as seen in the episode (Image 8Bit)

Furthermore, in the event that the new king attempts to overthrow the current king, Youm can serve as a barrier. However, publicly denouncing the new king’s deceitfulness would undoubtedly result in a civil war. While Rimuru commends Diablo’s impressive strategy, he strictly prohibits him from taking part in the conflict.

In episode 3 of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3, Diablo reveals to Rimuru Tempest that the Western Holy Church has reached out to Reyheim for information on the Falmuth war. As Rimuru cannot lie, he proposes the idea of recording a message to give to Reyheim.

The Refugees and POWs Arrive at the Jura Tempest

In That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 episode 3, Gobta suddenly interrupts the conversation between Diablo and Rimuru to announce the arrival of the refugees and POWs. Rimuru warmly greets Albis and Suphia, who both express their deep gratitude for providing shelter to their fellow refugees.

Rimuru is also informed by the girls that Phobio has chosen to remain behind to oversee the remaining prisoners. The Demon Lord then assures them that he has already made plans to assign tasks to their people. After this, Rimuru meets with Gabiru, who tells him about how he was beaten by Middray.

Following a few playful exchanges, Gabiru presents Rimuru with a letter from Milim. In the letter, Milim expresses her desire to bring some companions with her on her next visit to Tempest. She requests that Rimuru share his knowledge of cooking with them.

Milim in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 episode 3 (Image via 8Bit)
Milim in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 episode 3 (Image via 8Bit)

While watching the newcomers at Tempest, Rimuru is taken aback when Geld appears through a portal. The slime learns about Geld’s difficulties with managing and teaching the soldiers, which reminds Rimuru of his own days as a corporate employee. In response, he extends an invitation to Geld for a drinking celebration.

The next day, Rimuru and Shion are introduced to Rigurd, who shares the news that the merchants have begun to return to town. Additionally, Sir Fuze’s declaration of the town’s safety has caused an increase in travelers. This sudden realization prompts Rimuru to recall the ongoing construction project for the highway.

Benimaru in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 episode 3 (Image via 8Bit)
Benimaru in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 episode 3 (Image via 8Bit)

According to Benimaru, there have been no hostile monsters spotted near the project’s site. Additionally, all the residents agree with his assessment. However, Souei cautions Rimuru about the Tengu who reside near the Kusha mountains.

Despite their amiable nature, the Tengu are fundamentally a race of warriors. As stated by Souei in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 episode 3, even Lady Frey was known to avoid engaging in direct battles with them. As a result, he advises Rimuru to seek counsel from Frey.

Rimuru agrees with Benimaru’s suggestion to have him go instead of Rimuru himself, as he believes that a sudden appearance of a Demon Lord may cause suspicion. Therefore, Rimuru grants Benimaru permission to represent him.

Rimuru, as seen in the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 episode 3 (Image via 8Bit Studios)
Rimuru, as seen in the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 episode 3 (Image via 8Bit Studios)

The next day, Rimuru Tempest summons Hakuro to his office. The experienced swordsman informs the newly appointed Demon Lord about Clayman’s territory in the puppet nation, Distave.

In That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 episode 3, he stated that the Distave is home to Dark Elves. Upon pledging their allegiance to him, they revealed that there were ruins scattered throughout the land.

In light of the rarity of these ruins, Rimuru instructs Hakuro to keep this knowledge confidential. He explains that he will make a decision regarding the ruins after personally viewing them.

Rimuru’s Announcement: His New Position and the Upcoming Meeting

Rimuru holds a meeting (Image via 8Bit Studios)
Rimuru holds a meeting (Image via 8Bit Studios)

In episode 3 of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3, Rimuru Tempest holds another meeting where he announces his new role as the Demon Lord. He also shares that he now has complete control over the Jura Forest as the Chancellor.

His supporters view this as a remarkable change since those who have been carefully utilizing the forest’s resources will now need to obtain Rimuru’s approval. In essence, this will lead to an increase in the number of individuals visiting the Tempest nation.

Rimuru's friends, as seen in the episode (Image via 8Bit)
Rimuru’s friends, as seen in the episode (Image via 8Bit)

Gabiru also lets the slime know that his father and other Lizardmen will be coming to the town to join him (Rimuru). This sparks an idea in Rimuru’s mind – he decides to use his newfound power as an opportunity to promote the town and reveal its true potential.

In order to accommodate the town’s growing needs and to attract more workers, he plans to increase the population of Jura Tempest. The third episode of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 concludes with Rimuru’s announcement of a grand festival, marking his official introduction to the public.

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