The best class of the MTZ-556 in MW3: accessories, advantages, equipment

The MTZ-556 is inspired by the CZ-805 Bren. And just like its real-life counterpart, this assault rifle deals massive damage at close to mid range. So find out how you should equip it in Modern Warfare 3.

The iconic CZ-805 Bren is back in Modern Warfare 3, thanks to the MTZ-556 assault rifle which is largely inspired by it. With its impressive rate of fire, this weapon is a safe bet in this new Call of Duty opus.

However, you will need the right accessories and equipment to make the MTZ-556 a lethal AR in any situation. Discover without further delay the best class of this assault rifle.


MTZ-556 in MW3

The best class of the MTZ-556 in Modern Warfare 3

The best accessories for the MTZ-556

  • Canon : Canon Pro MTZ Clinch
  • Bezel : Slate baffle
  • Stock : EXF Stock for Close Combat
  • Rear grip: Bruen TR-24 combat grip
  • Cannon Accessory: FTAC SP-10 Angled Grip

The Canon Pro MTZ Clinch increases bullet velocity, damage range, aim swing, and aim stability. This allows the weapon to perform in close and medium range combat.

The Slate Deflector is, in our opinion, the best scope you can choose in the game. This scope works for both mid and close range combat, as the enemy is clearly visible.

The EXF Close Combat Stock is designed to allow you to be as aggressive as possible while the Bruen TR-24 Combat Grip improves recoil control and aiming stability.

Finally, the FTAC SP-10 Inclined Grip further increases the stability of your weapon, allowing you to never miss your bullets.

The best assets and equipment for an MTZ-556 class

Modern Warfare 3 gets rid of the traditional perk system in favor of using equipment.

In order to maximize your effectiveness at short and medium range, here is the combination of equipment that we recommend.

  • Gilet : Gilet d’infanterie
  • Gants : Commando Gloves
  • Boots : Stalker Boots
  • Equipment : Bone conduction headphones
  • Mortel : Grenade frag
  • Tactics : Battle Rage

How to unlock the MTZ-556 in Modern Warfare 3

Players can unlock the MTZ-556 by reaching level 12 in Modern Warfare 3.

And that’s everything we know about the MTZ 556. To learn more, be sure to check out the rest of our MW3 coverage:

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