The best KATT-AMR class in Warzone: accessories, perks, equipment

Looking for the perfect long-range one-shot sniper in Warzone? Discover the accessories, assets and equipment of the best KATT-AMR class.

Assault rifles can once again one-shot in Warzone, and very long-distance enthusiasts can finally rediscover the indescribable sensation of the kill at the other end of the map.

Obviously, such a feat requires a weapon up to the challenge. This is why we offer you the best class of the KATT-AMR, a sniper from Modern Warfare 3 and capable of wreaking havoc at long range.

Discover the accessories, assets and equipment you’ll need for the ultimate KATT-AMR class.


The KATT AMR sniper rifle in Warzone

The best KATT-AMR class in Warzone

The best KATT-AMR accessories

  • Bouche: Silencieux XRK Nightfall XL
  • Canon: Canon Zang-34
  • Ammunition:50 caliber high grain ammunition
  • Laser: Laser FSS OLE-V
  • Culasse: Ephemeral quick release

In order to maximize the one-shot potential of KATT-AMR, the first step is to improve its damage range. To do this, we opt for the XRK Nightfall XL Silencer accompanied by the Zang-34 Canon. High grain 50 caliber ammunition serves the same purpose: very high velocity bullets that inflict damage at phenomenal distances.

Now it’s time to make this sniper a little more maneuverable. The FSS OLE-V Laser notably improves ADS and sprint-to-fire delay, while the Ephemeral Quick Lock reduces the delay between your shots, helping you finish off enemies you’ve knocked down or chain kills.

The best advantages with the KATT-AMR

  • Asset 1: No race
  • Asset 2: Sleight of hand
  • Asset 3: Tempered
  • Asset 4 : Maximum alert

Step Running and Sleight of Hand is a great perk combination when using the KATT-AMR in Warzone, as you will be able to move around the map faster and reload almost instantly.

Tempered is a great fit for this class, as you’ll be able to quickly apply plates mid-combat to challenge your opponents again.

Finally, High Alert warns you when enemy players are targeting you.

The best equipment with the KATT-AMR

  • Tactical: Smoke grenade
  • Lethal:Penetrating charge

The Smoke Grenade is one of the best defensive equipment in Warzone. Use it to create a diversion, hide your escape, or block a line of sight.

The Penetrating Charge has become a great classic of Warzone, far too versatile to do without it!

How to unlock the KATT-AMR in Warzone

The KATT-AMR is unlocked from level 4 in Warzone, at the same time as unlocking the Armory.

The best alternatives to KATT-AMR in Warzone

Several sniper rifles are clearly worth checking out in Warzone. If the KATT-AMR hasn’t convinced you, take a look at the Signal 50 or the KV Inhibitor.

If you want to know more about Warzone, find our selection of guides:

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