The best Non-Elemental Pals in Palworld

There are over a hundred Pals to capture and breed in Palworld, with Non-Elemental types coming with some of the best working abilities for your base. To know the strongest Non-Elemental Pals in Palworld, here is the list we have put together for you.

You can add almost 140 Pals to your collection in Palworld, either by breeding them or simply capturing them. These Pals have several skills based on their Fire, Water, Electric, Earth, Grass, Ice, Dragon, Dark, or Non-Elemental type.

Although each type has strengths and weaknesses against a particular type, Non-Elemental-type Pals are not super effective against any particular element. However, one of the Legendary Pals is a Non-Elemental type and he can help you with a ton of work, especially for resource gathering.

Whether you’re looking to get the strongest Non-Elemental Pals in Palworld for combat purposes, or simply to add to your base, here’s our list of Non-Elemental Pals.

The best Non-Elemental Pals in Palworld

5. Gorirat

Gorirat in Palworld

Gorirat in Palworld

  • Paldeck: N° 049
  • How to get it:
    • Easy to find anywhere in the Snowy Mountains (central part of the map), except the snow-covered parts in this region.
    • Reproduit les pairs suivantes – Fuddler x Celaray, Rooby x Caprity, Woolipop x Melpaca, Rooby x Eikthyrdeer, Chikipi x Incineram, Teafant x Incineram, Woolipop x Dumud.
    • Hatching Large Ordinary Eggs.
  • Partner Skill: Enraged Mode – Unleashes his full savagery when called upon to temporarily increase his attack.
  • Work Ability: Transportation (Level 3), Slaughtering (Level 2), Manual Labor (Level 1)
  • Food: 3/10
  • Dropped Items: Leather, Bone.

Although it’s a great help for Transport, Gorirat is at this position on our list of the best Non-Elemental-type Pals in Palworld, largely due to its average overall stats. Gorirat can be easily found, and is an impressive Pal to have in your collection, especially early in the game.

4. Promises

Lovander dance Palworld

Lovander dance Palworld

  • Paldeck: N° 069
  • How to get it:
    • Lovander can be found at night only in desert areas, such as the Twilight Desert of Anubis and the Barren Dunes of Suzaku and Menasting.
    • Reproduce the following pairs – Cattiva x Nitewing, Cremis x Mossanda, Cremis x Nitewing, Vixy x Mossanda, Lamball x Sweepa, Killamari x Incineram, Penking x Jolthog Cryst.
    • Hatching Large Ordinary Eggs.
  • Partner Skill: Drain Heart – While fighting alongside him, absorb a portion of the damage inflicted by the player to restore his and the player’s HP.
  • Work Ability: Pharmacy (Level 2), Transport (Level 2), Manual Work (Level 2), Extraction (Level 1).
  • Food: 5/10
  • Dropped Objects: Mushroom, Cake, Questionable Drink, Strange Drink.

The Pal Lovander has one of the most unique descriptions for a Pal in Palworld, “Looking for a Sweetheart”, and has a heart-shaped figure attached to the front of its body. He is also capable of performing four different tasks and is one of the few Pals who can restore HP during combat.

3. Fenglope

Fenglope in Palworld

Fenglope in Palworld

  • Paldeck: N° 093
  • How to get it:
    • Easily found on the Island of the Third Wilderness (Northeast corner), and Volcanic regions (Southwest corner). This Alpha Boss can be found in the Mine at coordinates (-249, -434).
    • Reproduit les pairs suivantes – Lifmunk x Penking, Direhowl x Melpaca, Penking x Vixy, Celaray x Gobfin, Lamball x Cinnamoth, Cattiva x Cinnamoth, Direhowl x Mozzarina
    • Hatching Large Ordinary Eggs.
  • Partner Skill: Wind and Clouds – Can be used as a mount to move around. Allows the use of double jump when mounted.
  • Work Capacity: Slaughter (Level 2).
  • Food: 6/10.
  • Dropped Items: Leather, Horn.

Not being the best worker, outside of Slaughter, Fenglope still has decent attack and defense stats for a Non-Elemental type. It’s an easy Pal to find, and you can also mount it, allowing you to jump higher than regular mounts, thanks to its double jump partner ability.

2. Lunar

Lunar giving Palworld

Lunar giving Palworld

  • Paldeck: N° 063
  • How to get it:
    • Boss Alpha Lunaris can be found inside the Sealed Realm of the Esoteric Dungeon, on top of a hill, at coordinates (-146, -660).
    • Can be purchased from a Smuggler.
    • Reproduit the following pairs – Pengullet x Celaray, Fuack x Celaray, Fuack x Melpaca, Rooby x Direhowl, Celaray x Tocotoco, Killamari x Caprity, Tocotoco x Melpaca
    • Hatching Large Ordinary Eggs.
  • Partner Skill: Antigravity – Uses his antigravity powers while on the team to increase the player’s mas weight.
  • Work Capacity: Manual Work (Level 3), Transport (Level 1), Collection (Level 1).
  • Food: 2/10.
  • Dropped Items: Paldium Shards.

He’s a great Pal to have on your team and he can manipulate gravity, allowing you to transport more materials to and from your base. Unlike the Pal which sits at the top of our list of best Non-Elemental Pals, you can add it to your collection in Palworld early or mid-game.

Keep in mind that the Pal Lunaris doesn’t have the best overall stats, so we recommend using Skill Fruits to teach it Dragon-type skills to counter its weakness against Dark-types.

1. Paladius

Paladius in Palworld

Paladius in Palworld

  • Paldeck: N° 108
  • How to get it:
    • Boss Alpha Paladius (Level 50) can be found at coordinates (446, 681). This is the desert in the northeast region of the map. Keep in mind that Paladius is accompanied by another Legendary, Necromus and you will have to fight both of them.
  • Partner Skill: Antigravity – Uses his antigravity powers while on the team to increase the player’s mas weight.
  • Work Capacity: Slaughter (Level 2), Extraction (Level 2).
  • Food: 9/10.
  • Dropped Items: Aluminum Ingot, Diamond.

He tops our list of the best Non-Elemental-type Pals in Palworld and is by far the strongest Non-Elemental-type. He boasts some of the most impressive stats in the game as he is one of the four Legendary Pals and can prove to be quite a challenge to capture.

This is largely due to Paladius walking around with another Legendary, Necromus. And bad luck, both are Level 50 Alpha Bosses. You’ll also need to carry a lot of Legendary Spheres, as its capture rate is quite low.

Palworld: Best Non-Elemental Pals for your base

Pals Lovander and Lunaris are some of the best Non-Elemental Pals for your base in Palworld. These two Non-Elemental types can help you with a variety of tasks and are not difficult to capture. However, if you want to have a tough or strong Non-Elemental Pal at your base, then we suggest capturing Boss Alpha Paladius. The HP of this Alpha Boss is almost double that of the regular one.

That covers our list of the best Non-Elemental Pals in Palworld.

Also, don’t hesitate to check out our Palworld page for all the latest news, as well as our guides:

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