The best RAM-7 class in Warzone: accessories, perks, equipment

The RAM-7 is a very powerful assault rifle in Warzone when equipped with the right attachments and perks. Find out how to equip it.

Even though it’s usually the more accurate weapons that shine in Warzone, there’s always a place for options with higher recoil that reward skill.

While these weapons may not be for everyone, they can be dominant when in the right hands.

That’s exactly what the RAM-7 offers, an assault rifle that has significant recoil, but offers competitive TTK assuming you can keep it under control and ideally land a few headshots.

Given its tricky recoil, you’ll need a good class to make this assault rifle more predictable and we’ve got just what you need.


RAM-7 Assault Rifle Warzone

The RAM-7 has a lot of knockback, but is extremely powerful if you can master it.

The best RAM-7 class in Warzone

The best RAM-7 accessories

  • Mouth: Casus Brake
  • Canon : Canon lourd XRK Coremark 40
  • Stock: Motion-Tac pad
  • Cannon accessory: Bruen heavy support handle
  • Magazine: 40-round magazine

By far the RAM-7’s biggest flaw is its harsh recoil which doesn’t lend itself well to Warzone. Fortunately, using the Casus Brake and the Bruen Heavy Support Grip will significantly reduce the recoil of your weapon.

The XRK Coremark 40 Heavy Barrel not only improves recoil, but also the effective range and stability of the assault rifle. These are key stats for Warzone, making them an essential accessory.

The downside to these recoil reduction accessories is that they have a negative impact on handling. To compensate for this, we recommend equipping the Motion-Tac Pad, which allows you to stay mobile.

Finally, a 40-round magazine increases the size of the magazine without slowing down its maneuverability too much.

The best features with the RAM-7

  • Asset 1: No racing
  • Asset 2: Sleight of hand
  • Asset 3: Tempered
  • Asset 4: Resolved

When it comes to the best perks to use for your RAM-7 class in Warzone, Running Step and Sleight of Hand are great choices that will allow you to move faster and reload almost instantly.

Tempered will reduce your armor to two plates instead of three while Resolute will get you out of sticky situations while increasing your speed when you get shot.

The best equipment with the RAM-7

  • Mortar: Semtex
  • Tactical: EMD Grenade

The Semtex is a good choice for lethality, as it can be thrown quickly and deals damage to enemies hiding behind cover. The EMD Grenade is a nice option, as it tracks enemies on your team’s radar, preventing them from running away.

How to unlock the RAM-7 in Warzone

You can unlock the RAM-7 by completing sector A7 of the Season 1 battle pass.

The best RAM-7 alternatives in Warzone

If you’re looking for a solid alternative to the RAM-7 in Warzone, then we recommend using the Holger 556 Assault Rifle or the BAS-B Battle Rifle, both of which deal excellent damage.

If you want to know more about Warzone, find our selection of guides:

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